Her walls were being torn down, her hate for the world became an empathy. Throughout every day of her time she spent there she thought of him. Why him? Why did she have to fall head over heels for the one who would betray her in the end?

She remembered the very moment she had fallen in love with him. Thinking back, it wasn't special or anything, but it made insides flutter.

"You know, even if you didn't have a power, I would still be friends with you."

And she thought he was the fool.


Another event. A very critical part of her becoming a Queen. Empress came to her later on. The corruption didn't start yet.

"Sera! Show everyone your ability!" Blair said to her. It was very random, in the middle of break. She fidgeted, trying to conjure up a sentence.

"I-I don't know..." she nervously said as the gazes from all her classmates burned an imaginary hole through her skull. Like most other "low tiers", Sera had been bullied and ostracized by her classmates. All because she was apparently, "weak". Oh, how wrong they were.

"Pleeeaaassse! I promise it won't do anything bad."

She caved in. Time stopped. Everyone in the long hallway was motionless and grey. She walked to one of her bullies and flicked him in the nose. Time resumed and said bully was in the wall, out from the blast. Everyone gaped at the sight.

Sera. The cripple kid Sera. The one with no power, had just blasted a student into the wall. This was certainly a surprise. You could even say it was unOrdinary.

Soon after this she had beaten all of her bullies, and all those who dared challenged her. Fight after fight, she proved herself to be the most gifted and most capable person in all of New Bostin. Powerful didn't even begin to describe what kind of power she had.

And in the end, it ended up consuming her.


The final event. A letter. A favor.

Blair had asked her to meet him out in the back after school. This being Blair, she had an airhead sensation that was euphoric. A girl in love is hard to stop, are they not?

One of her companions, a small blonde girl, had told her, "Blair is tricking you! He's playing you for a fool! He's gathered up half the grade to destroy you..."

She had tossed her comments aside along with her frail little body. Why would Blair betray her? She'd had done nothing to provoke such an act. He wouldn't do that to her.

She skipped to the back of the school after it ended. She thought that he would surprise her, and maybe, in her best hopes, ask her out. Though not a good one, a surprise she got. She knew what was about to happen. She had fallen right into his trap. Knocking down almost all of the students in less than a minute, she had finally stopped on Blair.

She couldn't fathom it.

She didn't want to believe it.

Yet, here he was, betraying her.

"You know why I'm here Sera." he told her. In a voice, foreign to her. This couldn't be Blair. There's no way.

"What did I do wrong?" she timidly asked. It was foolish of course. Any sane person would've noticed her aura. It gave off an unpleasant feeling, one where you felt lower than her. She mistreated and bullied other kids for talking back to her, and even punished those whose beliefs clashed with her own. An empress, no, a tyrant, she was.

She didn't let him speak as she took the rest of the children down. One, by one. They didn't even stand a chance.

All that was left, was chaos. Pure, utter chaos.

And now, this is where we are. Broken, surrounded in a pile of broken bodies. Tears were on the verge on both of the kids' eyes. Sera wanted to cry. She can't. She can't . And then the words came through in a low voice, the ones she would remember in her nightmares, and was forever engraved into her mind,


She broke. "Shut your mouth!" her voice screeched in anger. Her foot crashed at the side of his head, and he lost consciousness. Those were the last words she'd ever say to him.

And if she was broken, now she was shattered.

The tears came pouring out.

Her knees lost their strength.

Sirens were blaring.

Red and blue hues danced around her eyes.

And her heart, empty.

unOrdinary: Reverse (old version)Where stories live. Discover now