Accidents and Apologies

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The first day at high school flew by for the boys, the first couple of class periods were over, and some of the guys were in a couple of the classes with each other. All of them were lucky had the same lunch period together, so as soon as the lunch bell rang in science class was over Squints and Yeah-Yeah both headed to their lockers "Come on Squints the guys are probably waiting for us, as they split up Yeah-Yeah got his lunch and headed to the cafeteria as Squints went all the way to his locker and as he started his combination on the lock he opened his locker and got his lunch and as Squints closed his locker some other boys running down the hallway bumped Squints against the lockers, accidentally knocking off his glasses "Oh, shit!" "thanks a lot!" Squints said to himself and then yelling down the hallway of students hoping he would hear some kind of apology from them. Squints was on the ground on his hands and knees, he set his lunch bag aside trying to find his glasses which was hard for him to see cause everything looked blurry to him. He continued searching on the ground as he saw a blur of something which looked like a pair of glasses, maybe his glasses he thought because of the black plastic on the ear pieces and the little white piece of tape in the middle he reached for them another student accidentally kick the glasses away down the hall, now he couldn't find them. He flicked the other student off but the student didn't notice, Squints crawled down the hall looking irritated continuing his search. "Hey excuse me, are these your glasses!" He heard an older female say to him, he looked up and saw a blurry image of a girl standing right in front of him holding his glasses handing them to Squints "Thank you!" Squints said taking his glasses and cleaning the lenses rubbing them on his shirt before putting them on, as he did he faced the other way to thank her. "Thanks agai-" Squints cut himself off his eyes widened in shock his mouth was slightly hanging opened holding his hand out for her, as the image came into focus of the girl towering over him when he looked at her, he noticed that it was in fact none other than the pool lifeguard, Wendy Peffercorn the girl of his dreams, the hottest girl in the world in his eyes, his first and best kiss ever. He noticed she looked down at him and smiled like she always does at him. Squints felt like he went into shock of excitement like he does every time he sees her smiling at him like that, "Oh h-hi, uh um, thank you" Squints stuttered, Immediately giving her that lovesick smile of his at Wendy in a excited tone. She giggled a little bit at him, "I'm good but not as good as you seem to be right now!" Wendy replied to Squints in a normal tone grinning at him. He still wondered if she had been mad at him still for the trick he did to her in the summer, "Hey, I want to apologize for what I did to you this summer at the the pool." Squints said to Wendy with an ashamed look in his face scratching the back of his head trying not to look at her. "It's ok, but in the future don't try anything like that again because if your trying to make a move on a girl, but don't really know her personally then it just creeps girls out." Wendy explained to him, he looked up feeling a little relieved. "Yeah I know, I kinda went loco that day I guess I just thought that you seemed like a really nice and pretty girl and I don't really talk to girls much or have much luck in even having them as friends either." Squints explained to Wendy with a little guilt and depression in his voice. "So do you think we can start over?" Squints asked Wendy barely, "Sure I suppose we can, how about we start by introduce ourselves!" Wendy suggested, "I'm Wendy Peffercorn!" Wendy said holding her hand out for Squints with a regular grin on her face, "I'm Michael Palladores , but my friends call me Squints, and it is an honor to meet you." Squints said in a gentleman voice to Wendy shaking her hand lightly feeling the soft tender touch of her palm against his and her fingers brushing over the top of his hand against his which made his face red as a tomato. "Nice to meet you Mike or do you like Squints hope you don't mind if I call you that?" Wendy asked, "Oh sure call me whatever you want, Wendy!" Squints proudly answered her, "Well this was a nice start, but after that little stunt you pulled on me I still would like you to keep a distance from me until I feel a little more comfortable when you're around me ok." She explained to him, he felt heartbroken at this. "Ok I will" he said, "Sorry kid, but if it makes you feel any better, that was the gutsiest thing I've ever seen a boy do especially one as young as you." Wendy complemented, Squints automatically felt like a million bucks hearing his crush say that to him. "Really, you mean that." He said excitedly, "Uh huh, not even any of the senior guys have the guts to pull off something like that, on a girl like me, why do you think I smiled at you through the fence, cause I was impressed." She explained, she saw the smile on his face grow bigger and bigger Wendy knew she'd better stop before he gets the confidence to do something crazy to her again. "Well see you later Mike." Wendy said seductively, walking off in the other direction giving him her signature smile, his eyes followed her as he watched her walk off down the hallway noticing the sway of her hips and the curves of her hot ass. Squints felt a sudden rush of adrenaline coarsening through him feeling he was about to explode with excitement as he smiled big and shot his fist into the air, and then went back and grabbed his lunch and started running towards the lunch room to tell the other guys what just happened to him.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

The Sandlot: A Lifeguard for Squints जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें