First Day of High School

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As they made it to school they saw the rest of the guys waiting for Benny and Smalls as they all wanted to go through the doors to the next part of there life where things they all knew that nothing would never be the same again once they entered. As Benny and Smalls were approaching the rest of the guys, they noticed that the rest of them were looking around them at all the other teens that were like from the looks of it about 2-5 years older the them. But still that didn't stop them from checking out the ladies. The two boys stopped right in front of the group. "About time you guys showed up we only got 20 minutes until school starts." Ham said to the exhausted pair as they were catching their breath for a moment. "We missed the school bus this morning." Smalls replied to Ham and the guys. "Yeah, yeah we get it usually happens first day of school." Allen agreed with Smalls, "So boys you ready for the next phase of manhood now!" Benny said walking up the steps. "Oh, hell yeah, yeah let's meet our destiny guys." Allen said in an excited voice as the rest of the boys followed behind Benny up the steps. As they reached the top right in front of the doors the guys looked at one another with anxiety in their eyes as Benny pushed the door opened and saw a big area clear with glass tiles as they walked in with the door closing behind them. All the guys were in shock of how big the high school was on the inside compared to how it looks on the outside. So the group saw some older and taller teens around some were looking at the group walking down the hallway looking for their lockers and it turned out that Timmy and Tommy's lockers were right next to each other and not because they are brothers but because the lockers are assigned according to last name alphabetical order. So then the rest of the guys found where their lockers were DeNunaz's locker was way down towards the entrance of the building because his last name started with a "D", and then the guys kept on walking and looked at the locker numbers looking for who's locker was coming up next. They kept walking and then Allen found his locker in the "M" section all alone like Kenny but he wasn't sad about it though. Then next was Squints and Ham's lockers although their last names both started with a "P" Squints locker was nearer to the beginning of the row because his name started with the letters "PA" he was near the beginning of the section, and Ham's locker was near the end because his last name started with "PO" but still they both noticed each other and could see each other to them they weren't that far apart from each other. Then next up was Benny's locker in the "R" section and then came Smalls in the "S" section luckily he wasn't that far from Benny, then of course came Timmy and Tommy in their section and way at the other end of the building like Kenny was Bertram alone in the "W" section.

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