Prolouge: End of Summer

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(Older Smalls Narration voice)

It had been a month after the great mission of the retrieval of the great ball where Benny "the jet" Rodriguez. Defeated "The Beast" aka Hercules, so after that event Mr. Myrtle the owner of Hercules took down his fence and let us use Hercules as the team mascot. But now summers over and we are all elevated to high school now starting in 2 days. But it's not as easy as it seems though usually during the first year of a boys high school life he is in the kill zone or mine field as some would say and if you make a wrong move or have a bad rep it ruins you for the rest of you high school life and would be labeled as either a Nerd, a wuss, a reject, or worst of all a Loser! But thankfully me and the guys have an advantage on our side because of Benny's reputation for going up against The Beast is our ticket to smooth sailing through our first year of high school.

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