Closing Things Out

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Whoa! What a wild ride that was... Well, speaking from my perspective, at least...

Anyways, I wanted to clarify just a few things.

1. There will indeed be at least a sequel ("Capable"), but I don't know when I'm going to actually start it because I'm going to try working on my other stories first- completing them, that is. So... I hope you guys can be patient about things like that.

2. That was actually the craziest thing I have ever written. Sorry if I ever grossed you out or played on your emotions too much... I felt it all, too, so...

3. Ummm... I need your help in order to figure out which story to work on next with my "Chapter a Night" initiative... This does not include "short stories" and one-shots, but still... Let me know here which of my Tangled stories I should work on next. This includes:

One Step at a Time

Corona High

Put a Label On It

Chemical Reactions (Cinnamon Roll Version)

Step Into the Future

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