Chapter Twenty-Three

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Cassandra's eyes fluttered open.

She had no clue where she was, how she had gotten there, or why she needed to be there. She kind of felt like crap, but... At least she was still alive.

That much mattered.

Varian hovered over her, looking both concerned and fatigued. When he saw that her eyes were open, though, his face lit up with joy and relief. Cass struggled to sit up and was grateful when he offered to assist her.

They sat in silence a little while longer before he spoke.

"Cassie... Oh, my goodness, Cassie... I... I thought that I'd lost you for good!"

He reached out, gently tucking some loose hair behind her ear. She flinched a little as his hand passed over her cheek- though it was healed for the most part, it was still tender and sore, and the pain only increased when Varian made contact.

"How- how long was I out for?" she finally asked, "what did I miss?"

"You... You were out for the better part of a week, Cassie," he murmured softly, taking her hand in his, "and... Most of what you missed, I missed, too."

"You don't look like you've been unconscious or anything..."

"You're right. I haven't even slept."

Cassandra looked at Varian in disbelief. "You- you haven't slept?!"

He shook his head, giving her that look- the one that made her feel like she was special. Wanted. Loved.

"I... I couldn't bring myself to leave your side, Cassie... I couldn't even think of sleeping. I thought that if I so much as blinked, I'd... I'd lose you. Or something."

"You're so sweet."

"Tell me something I don't know."

She laughed. "I'm not even going to try."

They both sat in silence until Varian spoke again. "I love you so very much, Cassie," he whispered, "so so so very much... I don't know what I would do without you."

"Apparently, you would lose a lot of sleep."

He grinned. "Well, there's that... But at least you're alive. That's what matters."

They returned to their silence yet again before Varian moved in to gently stroke her face again, this time pulling her in for a kiss.


"So here," Jonah began, "we've got the new king of Old Corona... Napping."

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