Chapter One

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"Believe me, I know I sank pretty low. All that I've done... No one deserved. And... I am extremely sorry for everything I have done."

Silence met Varian's apology, but he didn't dare look up from the floor. He didn't move a muscle from his kneeling position. He was far too ashamed of his past actions towards and against these people standing in front of him. In fact, it was a miracle that he had even been allowed into the castle at all.

"I've made tons of mistakes, and... I've lost your trust," he continued, "but... Is there any chance you can forgive me?"

Rapunzel descended the stairs to stand before Varian. The young man only looked up when she put a gentle hand on his shoulder. She smiled warmly at him, and he awkwardly returned the smile.

"Stand up, Varian," she urged, "stand up so I can hug you."

He chuckled, standing up to hug the princess.

"Welcome back, Varian."

It had been years- four, to be exact- since anybody had last seen Varian. Sure, every so often, someone would supposedly catch a glimpse of the young alchemist, but he often kept to himself. He had run away one month prior to his fifteenth birthday, when he had been arrested but caused a diversion in order to free himself.

That was when King Frederic decided to declare him an outlaw, a danger to society.

He spent all those years in solitude- well, give or take Ruddiger the raccoon, who, for whatever reason, never left his side- fending for himself and trying to forget his past.

Of course, no matter how hard he tried, the past was inescapable.

"So... What did I miss?" Varian asked, "I've seen an occasional headline here and there, but they don't tell enough."

Rapunzel smiled at him again, and he was painfully aware that she was the only one who had smiled since he had entered the room. King Frederic, Queen Arianna, and Eugene kept their distance, while Cassandra and her father stood closer to him, ready for anything.

"Well... Old Corona..."

Varian gulped back. "I- I know. I saw it on my way here. But..."

Cassandra looked uncertain about his presence- unless having a hand on the hilt of your sword meant otherwise- but her gaze softened a little. Varian understood immediately: his father was gone.

He had known it would happen eventually, but it still caught him pretty off-guard. He choked back a sob as Rapunzel pulled him in for another hug.

"I'm so sorry, Varian," she whispered, stroking his hair, "I'm so sorry..."

"How's the poor kid supposed to move on with you constantly apologizing, Blondie?" Eugene blurted out from the back of the room.

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