<<Zayn's POV>>

Ugh. I made a complete fool of myself, why am I such a wimpy fag? I couldn't even tell my own man that I was pregnant. I tightened up my scarf and went straight to the library. Harry was there, as I asked him to. If there's anyone else in the world that I can talk to other than Donnie, it would be Harry.

"Hey Zayn, what's up?" He asked.

"Let's go somewhere less open." I said.

"Oh, okay." Harry's mood immediately changed, he could tell that something was wrong and became very serious. He went with me to the back of the library, to the reference section, which was filled with all the dictionaries and thesauruses. He shut off his phone and tucked it in his pocket. I pulled up two bean bag seats and we sat down, really close to each other.

"Harry, you have to not judge me." I told him. If he did what I feared Niall would do, then I'd be devastated.

"Yes, I will, bro, you know that I'd never judge you, I'd only support you, all my life, you stood by me." Harry replied.

"Okay, Harry, I'm, I'm" I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Wh-what?" Harry asked. I just placed my hands over my abdomen. I started to cry, I was getting very hot.

"I, I'm." I tried again. I held my body tighter.

"Are you pregnant?" Harry asked. I looked at him right in the eye, through my mascara filled tears. He could tell the answer from my eyes.

"It's so, so, so." I couldn't finish the sentence, it was just too emotional.

"Oh, my gosh, how do you feel about it?" Harry asked me.

"I can't, I can't have a baby, not at my age," I wept. I tried my best to be quiet.

"Zayn, it's not your fault." He told me.

"Yeah it is." I said. Harry pulled me into a hug. He didn't judge. He didn't ridicule, didn't slut-shame, didn't criticize, he just loved. He showed me support. I only hope Niall would do the same.

"Harry, I don't know what to do, I want to keep the baby, I want to keep it so bad, but I can't I won't be able to, it'll only be a burden on me and because of that, I won't be able to love it. And I won't be able to properly care for a child." I vented.

"Awww, Zayn," Harry chided, and wiped my face with his scarf.

"What should I do, Harry?" I asked, I was very scared.

"Well, whatever you want, if you want to carry the embryo into a fetus and give it up for adoption, raise it, or just simply terminate this all, I'd personally say, if I were you, I'd wait a bit for a doctor and then decide." Harry advised.

"I want to tell Niall, but I don't know how he would feel." I cried.

"Well, does he love you?" Harry asked

"Yes, at least I think he does." I said

"Well, then he would support you and want only the very best, love does that," Harry explained.

"I-I-I still don't know what the hell I should do." I wept.

"Just, take things one at a time." Harry advised.

"Will you help me?" I asked

"Yes, I will walk with you." Harry comforted.

<<Lunch time>>

<<Niall's POV>>

I wanted so desperately to go to the library, because I think that is where Zayn would be. But he told me that he wanted to be left alone, so I honored his wishes and just went to the cafeteria. After getting my sub sandwich and some tortilla chips, which was the lunch of the day, I sat down with my usual group.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now