Smile I cherish ( blitz poem )

507 31 38

give me a wink

give me a smile

smile for me

smile all night

night of love

night of passion

passion for life

passion for art

art I create

art a portrait

portrait of beauty

portrait of you

you give inspiration

you are my creation

creation from memory

creation from dreams

dreams I remember

dreams of the past

past never forgotten

past became future

future happiness

future with you

you returned

you found strengh

strength to love

strength to commit

commit to me

commit us

us forever

us my dream

dream turned reality

dream of more

more time with you

more I want you

you my drug

you I can't get enough

enough pretending

enough hiding

hiding feelings

hiding my heart

heart now opened

heart belongs to you

you marry me

you become my wife

wife I adore

wife I cherish

cherish forever

cherish life together



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