1 - So Let The River Run

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Nika - That's the first time I really feel like... Like I'm at home. It's not this house what I call home. It's the feeling I get. The feeling of being at home. To finally found my place to stay. A place where I feel safe. With people I love and who me respect as the person I am. That feels like home.


"Cut! That was awesome. We got it for today. Tomorrow is off, so see you on friday!" yelled the director. I sighed. Today was a hard day. We had to film about eight scenes and every scene three times.
I went to my trailer to finally change and head home. I was really looking forward to seeing the Cubs game which was on tonight. Along with a beer and my dog Loki.
I just finished changing and was about to grab my stuff when someone knocked at the door. "Come in." I said loudly, because I knew who it was. She entered the Trailer and came up behind me. She slung her hands around my abdomen and rested her head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and we stood there for a minute, just enjoying the silence and the presence of each other. "Are you heading home?" Sophia finally asked. I nodded. "Yeah, gonna spend the evening on the couch with Loki and just appreciating the rest." I felt her smiling. "You deserve it." She said and I turned around, her hands still folded in my neck. "Ruth invited me for dinner. We're trying this new restaurant at North Receine." I nodded and gave her a light kiss. "Have fun and say Hi to Ruth for me. I haven't seen her in ages." She nodded. "I will." after another, deeper kiss she left the trailer to meet Ruth and I drove home.

As I arrived at my house I took some envelopes from the mail box with me and looked through them on my way to the door. I suddenly stopped when I saw a really strange letter. The address was handwritten and directly addressed to me. I turned it around. The sender was a girl but what confused me the most, was that the letter came from Austria, Europe. Normally fanmail went straight to my agency. Where did this girl get my address? I unlocked the door and Loki immediately came barking and tailwaggling in my direction. "Hey Loki. How was your day?" I said and stroke his head. Then I went to the living room and sat down on the couch where Loki of course joined me. I ripped open the envelope and started to read:

Dear Jesse,

I'm not sure if it was the right desicion to write you, but I figured you want to know. At least I want to know.
My name is Nika and I'm 16 years old. I live in Austria and my parents recently died in an accident. They were climbing when an avalanche came down. They weren't able to find them soon enough.
Then last week my godparents (where i currently stay) received a letter from a notary. I should get it if my parents die before my 18th birthday. In this letter my dad explains that he has a son. He didn't cheat on my mom because they didn't know each other when he slept with this woman. He was in America at this time. The woman never told my dad that she was pregnant or that they had a son until the boys majority age. My parents decided not to tell me about my brother.
Anyways now they told me and gave me his name. It's you. Jesse Lee Soffer. You are my brother. No I'm not kidding and you must be thinking that I'm a crazy fangirl but I'm not. The notary gave me a document which proves that there is a 90% chance that you are my brother, that's why your agency gave me your address. I really want to know if it's true, so I ask you if we could do a DNA test. Just to make sure.
I would really like to hear from you, because I can't believe this happend.

I didn't know what to think. I had another sister? My dad wasn't my dad? Loki must had recognized the change of my mood, because he sat quietly and with big eyes beside me. Nika added her email address at the end of the letter. No question I would write her back. I quickly grabbed my notebook and started writing:

Dear Nika,

I can't believe it either. You don't know what you just changed. Of course we can do this DNA test if you want to.
I would also really like to meet you. I mean I have a sister and I don't know ANYTHING about her. I imagine it is hard for you right now. You lost your parents and I guess you have to figure out how things should go on, but I'm offering you to come to Chicago. You can stay as long as you want. You can take the time you need to grief and you could clear your  mind. Just figure out how you want to move on. And besides I would love to meet you.
So please think about it.

I klicked on send and it was out. Did I really just did that? Did I really just sent my sister an invitation? Did I really want to meet her? The answer on every question was YES.

I took my phone and sent Sophia a text. "Would like to talk to you tmr. Breakfast at Franky's?" About two minutes later she texted back "Ok." I leaned back and took the tv remote. I couldn't really focus on the Cubs game because my thoughts always wandered around Nika. My sister. A girl from the other side of the world. I didn't know her and my parents lied to me my whole life. My mom passed away two years ago because of breast cancer and my dad... Well that's another story but he hadn't to do anything with Nika anyways.
Was it right to offer this completely strange girl a trip to Chicago? What if she wasn't even my sister?

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