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"So....what exactly are we watching, Steven?" Amber asks as she and Steven crowd around his tv. I, myself, hang back on his bed flipping through my new phone the Gems got me, 'in case of emergencies'.

"It's Crying Breakfast Friends!" he exclaimed, excited over the show. "I showed it to Stella last week. But, uh, she just doesn't get it."

"There's no plot, Steven. They're crying over nothing, they decide on a solution, while crying, and cry some more. There's no depth to it! It's....flawed." I tell him.

"Wha-? No. It's just... different." He glances at me before glancing back. "Just because something is flawed, doesn't mean it's not good."

Throwing my phone to the side, I look at him. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that," sighing, I get up and head down the stairs and find Pearl and Garnet in the kitchen. "Hey guys."

"Oh, hi Stella. How are you feeling today?" Pearl asks, just like everyday for the past five months.

"I'm okay," I answer, just like everyday. And, just like everyday, Garnet gives me that look. "Okay, fine. I'm frustrated. What good is all this training if I can't go on missions with you?"

Garnet places a hand on my shoulder and softly squeezes. "We've discussed this. You're not ready yet. You're good, very good. There's no denying that. Physically, you're in great shape and would be great on a mission. But mentally, you're still not quite there. You still need time. Five months isn't enough."

"But Garnet! I've already beaten Pearl, Connie, and Amethyst! Why can't you just give me a chance?"

Pearl takes my hand as Garnet moves around the counter. "We know you think you're ready. Just trust us. We're only trying to protect you."

I pull my hand away and take a step back. "I don't need protecting. That's all Jade and Tourmaline did and look what it got them! They're shattered because they wouldn't trust in me. And I refuse to let that happen again."

"Stella, please. You have to understand-" Garnet starts.

"No I don't." I turn my back on them and quickly leave the little house. I just need some space. I know I'm overreacting, but I can't help it.

I find Lion and hop onto his back, startling him for a minute before he stands up from his nap. "Can you take me somewhere quiet please?"

He does what looks like a nod and makes a portal, next think I know we're at a group of warp pads. I climb down off of him and am about to thank him, until I get the sneaking suspicion we aren't alone. Pushing him to the side of a column to hide from whoever it is.

"I swear, if Pearl or Garnet followed me..." I mutter under my breath, but trail off by the site of someone who I've never met, but have heard of and seen a picture of. "Jasper."

Amethyst told me all I need to know about the orange gem. "Why is she at the Galaxy Warp?"

I slap my hand over my mouth, as I had said that a little too loudly, causing Jasper to whip her head towards me.

"Who's there?" she calls out, her raspy voice sounding as if she's used to being in charge. "I know you're here. Show yourself, coward!"

I turn to Lion, determination filling me and reflecting in his eyes. I nod to him before stepping out.

"Who're you?" she asks, taking a defensive stance.

"No one, really. What're you doing at the Galaxy Warp?"

She rolls her eyes, tossing back her hair in the process. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes, yes I would." I smile at her, hopefully in what seemed like an angelic smile, before taking out my weapon the way Pearl showed me. I take my usual battle stance, eyeing her up and down. "I'm a protector of Earth and I asked you a question. I expect an answer. Now please."

Jasper looks at me cautiously before laughing. "Look at you! You're nothing but a runt! An off color. Why should I answer you? I could destroy you, pebble! Now, who are you? I would like to know my victim's name."


Jasper grins, a helmet appearing on top of her mane of hair. "Stella, eh? A star. Beautiful. For a dead girl." And with that, she turns into a spinning ball with energy crackling around her.

She comes towards me at the speed of a train, I barely have enough time to jump out of the way. I skid off to the side and turn to face her. She's gotten out of her ball form and is now mockingly walking towards me.

"Nice reflexes. Too bad they won't do you much good." She smugly smiles at me. I try to stand up, but the way I landed, I ended up twisting my ankle.
"Aw, is the poor runt hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. A little pain never hurt anyone." I grimace as I stand, though running to get away would do no good. I can't run, let alone fight, like this. Gotta find another way.

I search my pockets for my phone, only to remember I left it on Steven's bed. "Dammit!"

Jasper appears in front of me, as in too distracted to notice she had gotten closer, and grabs a fistful of my hair. "Are you with those...those Crystal Gems? Are you?!"

Gotta think. What did Pearl say about a situation like this? "I can't be helpless anymore!" I scream into the sky. I take my arm forward and bring my elbow into Jasper's stomach, making her let go of me. Scrabbling to get some distance between us, I try to think of something, anything, to get me out of this.

"Oh you little! You can't run from me! Not on a bum ankle!" Jasper yells and starts to give chase.

Wait, Lion! He can help. But, as I'm looking around, he's nowhere in sight. "Oh, that lousy, over grown kitten!"

The ache in my ankle makes me slow down, letting the gem catch up to me. "Get back here. You're with the Crystal Gems. But now... You're my prisoner!"

"You're what??" I use my fan and try to attack, but she deflects me. Just as she grabs me by the neck, a blast of pink has Lion sliding past with the Gems on his back and...in his mane? I'm not even gonna ask.

Garnet jumps off of Lion and takes out her Gauntlets. "Let 'er go, Jasper!"

"Why should I?" Jasper shakes me, air just barely making it down to my lungs.

"Jasper, she's turning purple! Let her go! Please." Steven pleads, getting down off of Lion as well.

Jasper looks at me, malice glowing in her eyes. "Stay out of this Rose Quartz! You took someone very precious from me. Now, let's see how you like it!"

Jasper rips my daggered fan out of my hand. The next thing I know is a starburst of pain, my family screaming my name, and then nothing.

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