Chapter 38

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt. Is either one of you Laura Rose's legal guardian?" The man inquired, eyeing the two of us.

Leon and I glanced at one another, pondering about who should be the one to step up and answer him. I shifted my gaze back at the gentleman—responding to his question.

"That would be me."

"And who are you?" Leon questioned him.

"Oh, forgive me. I'm Dhruv Jayavant, one of the many physicians that work here at the medical center." He replied, before directing his gaze back at me. "I would to speak to for a moment about your child, Mr..." He trailed off, as I formally introduced myself.

"Redfield. Chris Redfield."

"Mr. Redfield, if you don't mind. I promise not to take much of your time," He told me, as I gazed over at Leon.

"Sure." I followed Dr. Jayavant down the hallway, while Leon and everyone else headed inside Laura's room.

"I know that this a stressful time for you," He stopped at the end of the hallway. Turning around to face me, with his clipboard in hand.

"Look, can we just skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. If this is about Laura's health insurance, I think we won't have any financial problems with covering her medical costs," I said to him, with a brusquely tone of voice. Just wanting to get this over with so I can get back to my niece.

"Not quite actually." Dr. Jayavant clarified, as he flipped through a couple pages of his documents, attached to his clipboard. "I'm sorry to ask about this, but did Laura ever make her wishes known in regard to organ donation?" He inquired, peering up at me.

My eyes widened momentarily, immediately knowing and not liking where this discussion was going.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Dr. Jayavant kept his gaze on me, as he adjusted his glasses. "Organs are only viable for very limited time–"

"Viable?" I cut him off, using an irked tone of voice.

"We're just hoping some good can come out of this tragic situation–"

"You listen to me doc, because I'm only gonna say this once," I cut him off again, now feeling fully livid and apoplectic. I clenched my fist tightly—digging my nails into the palm of his skin. "Laura's not gonna die. Her condition may be serious, but it doesn't mean she's not gonna pull through," I told him, using an incandescent tone of voice.

"I apologize–"

"Don't you dare talk to me like she's gonna die. Laura's just a kid for crying out loud, and here you are, acting like she's gonna perish any minute now. I do my job, now it's your turn to do yours. Save her!"

"Of course they're doing everything they can to save her–" I reacted by furiously punching the sign hanging on the wall behind him—causing the glass to crack and cutting my knuckle in the process. Prompting Dr. Jayavant to fall silent within a matter of seconds, his eyes round with shock.

"Get of here. Now!" I demanded, in which he complied straightaway. Leaving me alone at the end of the hallway, only with a bloody knuckle now.

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