"Can't you have burned this less Edward?" a sitting Stuhlinger whined while looking at a piece of burnt food, stuck on a makeshift fork, Richtofen just turned from the scrapped together stove he was at and looked back at him, "I'm a doctor, not a gourmet chef may I remind you, now are you going to eat in silence?" he said back at the conspiracy theorist, "whatever, at least this isn't as bad as that IT person" Stuhlinger then muttered to himself, Kahn who was at the table looked at him with curiosity, "who? Lilith?" he asked, "yeah, she's just sounds like a spoilt brat if you ask me, she's cosying up to Misty whom has been giving me shit all this time, if you ask me, she's just another bitch who's too big for her shoes" the conspiracy theorist smeared, but then a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind, Stuhlinger tensed as he saw the red painted nails and knew immediately who it was, his face going pale in shock, "what were you saying about me Stuhlinger?" Lilith's voice came from behind him, Stuhlinger just whimpered as she then came into his view, "talking shit about me behind my back?" she then said with a killer smile, Stuhlinger just sat there not saying a word, "well I am a professional in IT and hacking, so you know what I could do? I can just track your movements across the globe using the internet of things which you can't hide from, and just relay all of that to all of those men behind those conspiracies you are so afraid of, for them to deal with you in their own time, how would you like that?" she hummed, Stuhlinger was having a mini panic attack at this moment, which Lilith loved to see, "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" she chimed, Stuhlinger just nodded with his face looking rather pale, "hmm... good" Lilith then chided, finishing her roasting of Stuhlinger, who was wishing he was in a better place now, she went and sat at the table and looked at Kahn who was slightly unnerved, she just smiled at him, "are you glad you didn't fire me now for those emails Kahn?" she asked, Kahn just looked away, not really wanting to answer that question.

"Is that the city?" Lennox asked Russman who both were standing on the battlements, in the morning sun the city was now clearly visible, some of the light reflecting off some of the glass surfaces and creating a few sparkles in the distance, "sure is, hey Marlton!" Russman then shouted, "what?" Marlton called, "get your ass and rifle up here!" the old man then responded, within a few moments Marlton had climbed up the stairs, holding his DSR, "what the hell is it Russman?" he said rather annoyed, Russman then grabbed and yanked the scope off the rifle's attachment rail, "what the?" the nerd spat out, shocked by the sudden action, "now I can actually see shit now" Russman scowled, holding the scope up to his eye and looked through, the magnified image allowed him to pick out a few more features, such as a few tall brick buildings, a highway overpass and the fact that the city looked completely deserted, there was no movement in any of the buildings, on the roofs, nothing in the air, just, nothing, Russman then stuffed the scope back into Marlton's hand, "I have just the suggestion of what we do next" he articulated.

"Go into the city?" Misty responded to the suggestion, they were all now gathered around the table, some sitting and other standing, the two predominant couples being next to each other at the table, "yeah, what else do we do? just sit here and die of old age?" Russman responded to her comment, he then leaned on the table surface, "my suspicious are, if where going to survive and make any progress, we're gonna have to into those buildings and find our materials, place, whatever in order to beat that little girl and janitor" he continued, the others looked at each other, "and how many freak-sacks are we gonna run into there?" Dempsey then asked, messing with his Thompson in hand, "I don't know, but I guess it will be more than out here" Russman voiced his opinions, "just like in the movies eh? like those zombie, apocalypse, vigilante types?" Decker then brought up, everyone looked at him, the originals and the Tranzit group with weird looks, "what? You don't watch movies? My other dream job other than being a soldier was a movie actor you know" he defended himself, "maybe in some other universe Decker" Lilith than chimed, a bit of sudden awkwardness came across Decker, like that statement was somehow kinda true, "he has a point, if humans conglomerate around cities for food and other resources, then zombies would do the same, so why wouldn't they not go there?" Richtofen supported Decker's statement, "I think it could be a goddamn death-trap as well" Marlton also objected, "but companions, does it matter where we are? Even if we stay out of the city, what is stopping Samantha and Oz from sending more dishonoured at us? If we go in the city we may have more supplies, more buildings to fortify and have a better chance of survival" Takeo then spoke, "see, Takeo has just hit the nail right on the head, if you look at it either way, we have a better chance in the city than out of it, I'm making the decision to go there" Russman voted, "I can't really argue with him" Kahn then said in favour, Richtofen thought for a second, humming as he tapped his chin, "ahh why the hell not? I can kill more of my children there anyways" he beamed, "its settled, any questions?" Russman then began to conclude, a familiar hand then came up, and Russman rubbed his eyes as he knew who it was, "yes Nikolai?" he muttered, "is there going to be vodka there?" the Russian asked in a stupid way, "is vodka all you care about you drunkie?" Misty chastised, turning to face him, "what? What's the problem in likening vodka? I get lots of it, especially from second wife" Nikolai just said back, taking another swig out of his current bottle, "if there's a liquor store Nikolai, I'll let you personally rummage through it by yourself" Russman conceded, Nikolai then smiled, "that's all I need" he resounded, getting up and walking to the gate, Russman also stood up, "okay, you all have thirty minutes to grab supplies, clean weapons, organise, take a crap, whatever, just be outside by then or we'll leave you behind, clear?" he bellowed out to all of them, everyone agreed and they all went off to do their business.

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