All Together

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"Look we've been walking around for some time, I doubt they're anyone else here" the nerd whined, with the security man also seemingly agreeing with him Dempsey himself was starting to lose hope, not in the fact that his comrades were nowhere to be seen, but that he would get the chance to tear the ass off that German, however as the three came up to an open area they then came across three other figures, Dempsey immediately recognised one of them being Nikolai, but he was confused to see he had two women by either side, the first one who looked like a farmer then gasped as she saw the nerd, "Marley!" she shrieked in glee who then ran across and gave the nerd a massive hug, "I thought you were dead! I don't know what I would do if I lost you!" she continued, however the nerd was in the middle of a panic attack, "ahh! Ahh! Misty! Personal interaction! PERSONAL INTERACTION!" he yelled, trying to claw her off his body, Dempsey then saw that the security man and the other woman had come together as well, "Lilith, you're alright" he said to the woman with a pleased voice, holding onto her with an arm, Lilith however was slight blushing through her makeup, "erm Decker, when did you become so protective?" she asked, Decker's face then lit up and he whisked his hand away, rubbing the back of his head as he was slightly embarrassed, "err, I was just concerned for you that's all" he managed to come up with, "oh, yeah I was concerned for you too, but not to that point" Lilith also struggled to say, rubbing the side of her left arm in shyness, while that was happening, Dempsey reached Nikolai who was looking at the two sights, "hey Nikolai, where the hell are the other two?" he asked, "no idea comrade, but I don't need them, all I need is vodka!" he replied cheerfully, he took a swig out of his bottle but was surprised when nothing came out, he had the bottle upside down over the ground and still nothing came out, "aww shit, maybe I do need them" he complained, he then chucked the bottle into the trees and a smash was heard among the branches, at the same time, Stuhlinger then came walking in with the Asian and paratrooper in tow, he walked up his group to meet a grimacing Misty, "oh hey Stupinger, see you didn't get lost" she said sarcastically, "I haven't got time for your shit 'Abigail', you doing fine Marlton?" Stuhlinger just responded bluntly, Marlton however had his hands up as he didn't want to be in any ensuing fight, and speaking of fights, another was seemingly brewing between the other group.

"You have ten seconds to explain why we are here Lennox" Lilith sneered with her arms crossed just under her bosom and tapping her booted foot on the ground, Lennox scratched his head while Decker just looked on, "I'm waiting" the woman then added on, "look I don't know why were are here, and don't go blaming me just because I followed Sentinel's orders" he made a response, "oh, so my recovery, my new life at Sentinel and my schedule to repair my broken life and deal with things like once being a test subject and a now probably dead husband can wait for a stupid operation which a Sentinel strike could've done? Don't give me that bullshit" she called out, "jeez are you on your period or something or are you this angry normally?" Lennox just blankly said, also seemingly starting to get annoyed, "what!? N-no!" Lilith then staggered, trying hard to suppress the blush of embarrassment and offence forming on her face once again, "look all I was doing was following orders, if we get out of this I'll let you kick my superior in between the legs, promise, I had fucking nothing to do with this okay?" Lennox then added on, "I'm still not fully convinced Lennox, do I have to knock it out of you with my fist?" Lilith then threatened, "okay you two, let's not go too far down the hole" Decker then stood in between them, gently moving Lilith away, he was wishing that Kahn was here to help break this up.

"Oh great, one of the things I hate most" Nikolai grimaced, the Asian just stood there arms crossed, "oh Niki, will you ever find your honour again in that vodka soaked soul of yours?" he shamed, "funny joke Takeo, but for once the joke is on me, I have no fucking vodka" the Soviet's eyes then widened, "which means I may become ...sober", the last word of Nikolai's sentence sounding very grim, "come on Nikolai it isn't that bad" Dempsey tried to calm his nerves, "does it look like it's that bad Dempsey? Because I think it's very bad!" the Soviet continued to panic, "oh calm down Nikolai" a voice came up behind them, they turned and saw the German, and just behind him was Kahn and the old man, Dempsey immediately came up to him, "you don't know how much I want to punch you in the face Richtofen, you better tell me why the hell we are here in the middle of nowhere" the marine scowled, "I would tell you Dempsey, but the thing is this time, even I don't know" Richtofen replied, scratching the patch of hair under his cap, "oh really?" Dempsey questioned sarcastically, and then proceeded to mimic Richtofen, "hey guys, how about we go to the moon, oh wait, sorry, we have to go back to the giant facility and do something which I'm not going to tell you, oh no, a ton of zombies, how about we stand on the teleporter then?", Richtofen grimaced, "that's not what I sound like!" he shouted, "you find that annoying? Because now you know what I feel like when you open your goddamn mouth every time" Dempsey added on, "American, can you please stop taunting the doctor and can we keep our heads together" Takeo calmed, however the people from the future took their thoughts away, as the three former Atlas employees were now ganging up on Lennox, "how the hell could you screw up this much Lennox?" Kahn was also looking for answers from the Sentinel agent, and had taken sides alongside Lilith and Decker, "I'm being serious guys! I had no idea this was going to happen! Can you just listen to me for once?" Lennox kept repeating his stance, "you promised me a position as a Sentinel soldier, not to be tossed into a new shithole like this" Decker then added on, "also, why did Sentinel specifically ask us to go to that facility?" Lilith budged in, Lennox after a while of almost pulling his hair out just threw his arms up in despair, "okay, I'm a fucking old shithead moron who just threw you three into another world full of shit, and it's all my fault, you happy now?" he caved, the other three just looked at him, still with uneasy looks in their eyes.

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