Chapter Three

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I'd been sitting on the floor thoughtless for hours as people passes by me. Why aren't they sad? Why aren't they hurting just like I am?

I'm frustrated with everyone, they all look happy while I'm here crying and feeling so alone. It's not fair!

Then I realized I had bigger problems then being mad at the people in the room. My biological dad.


I run upstairs sobbing as my dad yells at me.

"It's not my fault that I don't have time for you. It's your fault, your the one who's always busy!"

My lame ass dad screams at me as he cuddles with his bitch of a wife on the couch.

"I only come here to be with you! Not you and her, she's not my mom! I will stop coming of you don't make time for me I'm getting older and I more then likely will only be concerned about my friends you know!" I screamed back between sobs.

The only thing that he yells beck was.

"Whatever it's your choice, it's either the three of us as a happy family or none of us!"

My heart sank, he gets her either way but not me. All I want is a few hours of daddy daughter time, but it's to much to ask for.

I spent the night in my room crying myself to sleep thinking.

'How can a man love a women more then his own daughter. I knew one day that we wouldn't see each other for a long long time but I thought we would be old people, but I guess 10 is the new 70.


Now that my mom and step dad are dead. He will be the legal guardian of me. My life will go to shit in no time. Tears welled up in my eyes as I am crushed by the thought of the new unknown.

The air around me is once again cut off I can't feel myself breath, I start to violently shake before I let out a scream. That all I could do was just sit there on the stone floor and shake my body violently screaming for help. My cousin Yvonne is the first to aid to my side follow led by a doctor and my aunt.

"Please don't let him take me, please I don't want to go with him! I want my mom please!" I plead as my thoughts where what felt bro be very clear, my biological dad will take custody over me and my life will become a living hell.

"Jane, honey, I know that this is a lot to take in but we need you too calm down and come with us please honey it's going to be ok... we would never let that lame excuse of a father take you away from us!"

My cousin says in a calm matter.

A long silence filled the lobby once my crying had became a light sob I got the strength to get up from the cold floor.  I could feel all eyes on me, as my face was red and blotchy, and wet with black mascara streaks down my face.

" I need.... water.... please!" I whispered to one of the doctors.

Before I knew it there was a cold cup of water and crushed ice in my hand. I drew it to my mouth taking a satisfying gulp as it slowly touched my dry lips. I felt relieved as I felt the cold liquid flowing down my throat, as it eased the dryness that had been sitting in there for almost over an hour.

I quickly finished the cup of water, I tuned to face my family, as I looked at their faces all we could think was what's now? Where do we go from here? How will this change everything?

But all that I could say was " Can I see them one last time?"

All of our family collectively drifted to one side of the room with one another to ask what to do and left me and my cousin Yvonne singled out.

There was a long silence between us until Yvonne interrupted it.

"Well Jane, there's nothing much to see, I don't think that it's a good idea just yet."

A sudden wall of anger slammed into me. As I looked  at her face all I wanted to do is punch her in that perfectly shaped nose.

"What do you mean not a good idea, they are my family I have a right to see them!" I screamed at Yvonne. She looks at me dumbfounded as I feel my face burning with rage and heat.

"Okay, Jane you need to calm down, just let me-"

"No Yvonne!" I interrupted her. "I'm not going to calm down, they are my family, my sister, my parents, and I have every fucking right to see them!"

"Jane!" My aunt butts in.

"They are dead! They are gone and you need to except the fact that they are dead!" She yells so loud that a baby on the other side of the room started to cry, and everyone's attention was directed in our way.

One of the doctors rushed over to our circle.

"Can I fine you a separate room?" He asked, well actually he pleaded.

Then all of us in unison shout  "Yes!"

We all entered a fairly large room as the doctor closed it my uncle spoke.

"I know their dead but I don't think that I can live with that idea in my head, I don't want that idea in my head. I don't want to think that their gone because I know that they are gone, it will never be the same and I'm scared of that idea."

My aunt added.

"Jane, we know that this is hard on you, it's hard on all of us. But what is important now is that we stick together, we fell apart once let's never let it happen again. From now on we are the glue that holds you all together, okay?"

I then realize that they where the ones who will now be raising me and that it would not be an easy task for them and or me. And that I would have to be a big girl and put on my big girl panties. And with time move on and live with my life, the way that they would want me to.

"Okay... what do we do now?"

"Now we griff the loss of our family... then plan the funeral.... get all of the legal stuff dealt with, with your father..... and.... then.... well.... we live on with a new chapter." My aunt struggled to pave her way through the process that would be one of the hardest things any of us would have had to do.

The idea of those next steps, they scared me a lot. Not just your mama jokes a lot, a lot as in the amount of birds in the world a lot.

"Ok let's get started."

We all collectively left the room as we pass by several other people, it made me mad that they had nothing better to do but listen to our conversation. But that soon changed as my big, husk uncle turned around and said.

"Alright ya sons of a bitches the shows over, go back and sit down in your seat before I make ya."

His Texan voice scared all of those people shitless as they all rushed away to the other end of the lobby, I even think I saw a few doctors run away. I then realize that my family would do anything that it takes to protect me in all was possible.

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