"One moment." Merlin said and did a counter incantation, breaking the effects of the first spell.

Percival cleared his throat, "So that's settled." He smiled slightly, "You should do that to Gwaine the next time he starts running his mouth."

Mordred laughed, "I love how the two of you are like best friends but you know just how annoying he can be."

"Who do think gets to deal with his annoying chatter all the time?" Percival grumbled.

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Oh stop acting like you mind it. You're the quiet one he's the obnoxious one. That's just how it."

Percival ducked his head slightly, "I suppose. Now how long should we wait to leave?"

"I say midnight." Mordred said, "I don't want to run the risk of someone being up. As it is what are we going to do about the guards?"

Both he and Percival looked to Merlin who sighed, "Why do I have to do everything? They'll be asleep."

"You should get some sleep before we leave Merlin," Mordred said, "You do have to do everything and it wouldn't do to have you tired."

Percival looked to the entrance of the tent, "We need to keep guard though. Mordred you and Merlin get some rest. I'll keep guard until it's time to leave."

"You need your rest too Percy." Mordred protested.

"I got to sleep in this morning remember? I'll be fine."

Merlin out his book into his bag, "He's right Mordred," he layed down on his bed roll.

"Get some rest while you can," Percival advised, "and then we'll try to get a third of the way back without stopping other than to water the horse."

Mordred scowled but layed down as well.


A few hours later they snuck out to the horses and Merlin cast the spell to silence their movements. Then he cast another to force the guards to sleep.

They rode of in the middle of the night, Merlin conjuring a small white light to guide the horses. They made it a third of the way back as planned before stopping and falling asleep. They all slept, setting no guard instead relying on Merlin's barrier that would alert them if anyone came near.

The next day they ate quickly before heading out. Merlin, who had been taking mental notes while at the enemy camp on all their plans began writing them down on paper. He hadn't risked it before due to the fear that someone might see them and realize what he was doing.

It was the second say that they encountered trouble. They had settled down for the night a little more than half a days ride to Camelot. After eating and writing down more of the plans that he'd hear from Heldin, Merlin had set up his magical barrier as usual before laying down to sleep.

It was a little after midnight when Merlin bolted upright in his sleep to and pull on his magic. Something had gone through the barrier. "Wake up." He shook both Mordred and Percival as he got to his feet. His senses we're sharp but he couldn't quite put his finger one where the intruder, or Intruders were. Their movements were being detected by the barrier but they seemed to be disguising themselves with magic.

Mordred and Percival got to their feet with haste both grabbing swords that had been laying next to their bed rolls. "Where?" Mordred whispered.

"All around." Merlin said quietly,  "I'm going to get us a light. Close your eyes."

Both knights did as they were told and Merlin conjured the bright ball of light to illuminate the clearing that they were in. Mordred and Percy both stood back to back with Merlin, swords drawn.

"Shadows." Percival whispered, "Look at the shadows."

Both Mordred and Merlin looked at the shadows at the edge of the clearing and saw what the big knight was getting at. Even if their assailants we're invisible it seemed that their shadows were still being cast because their we're several shadows that didn't seem to have owners. They clearly had weapons drawn.

Merlin pressed back into the knights at his back, "How many for you two?"



Merlin scowled, "fifteen total." He mumbled.

"Try not to get killed." Mordred said, not even bothering to whisper.

Merlin raised his hands and quickly shout a spell he hoped would make the invisible figures visible. One of them charged him and he pushed out with his magic sending him flying. He took several steps forward so as to give the others some space.

"Merlin!" There are more than we thought." Mordred said.

Merlin finished his spell and suddenly they could see their attackers. If Merlin had to guess they were bandits hired by Heldin to apprehend them. 

Several more began appearing out of the trees. Merlin did his best to keep the ones attacking him at bay. He heard Percival give a startled yell and turned to see him fighting a man who's sword had burst into flames. Merlin reached out his hand and yanked the sword out of the man's hands. Percival threw his free hand forward and the man was sent flying into a tree. Merlin blinked in surprise, it was the first time he'd actually seen Percival use magic like that and he was impressed.

Unfortunately he was distracted and was taken completely off guard by the arrow that hit him, tearing through the muscle of his lower back. He struggled to stay up right as he turned around and lashed out with the last of his dwindling focus, disarming all the attackers on his side of the clearing.

Mordred must have noticed cause he hard the Druid calling his name in panic. He looked down at the thin arrow. While it  had gone all the way through it was now lodged in him pretty well it was not this that worried him. From the burning it seemed to have been coated in something though if he gad guess. The wound itself would normally be something he shrugged off but the poison...

"If this doesn't kill me Arthur will." Merlin mumbled as he slumped to the ground. Mordred seemed to quickly dispatch what remaining bandits were attacking him so he could see to Merlin. Percival came over a few minutes later looking tired and worried.

Mordred looked at the arrow before snapping off the end. "Percival can I have that extra shirt of yours?"

Percival immediately grabbed his bag and got the shirt. He started tearing it into strips while Mordred carefully removed the arrow.

Merlin grimaced as Mordred binded the wound. "I need to see Gaius." He said, "Poison on the arrow."

Percival nodded and Mordred looked at the arrow Head, "This is not good."

Percival took a deep breath, "Mordred pack your stuff. We need to leave now. We might be able to get to Camelot by morning."

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