Chapter Twenty-Eight

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awsten p.o.v.

william barged into our room the next morning, hollering something about us needing to get up. geoff instantly shot out of bed and started getting ready. i hadn't even sat up before he grabbed my hand and hauled me out of bed.

"we gotta shower, c'mon!"

i planted my feet, but it was in vain, seeing as geoff was three times stronger than me. "gee, w-wait."

that stopped him. i could tell he was upset and trying to hide it. "what's wrong?" he asked. "i-if you wanna shower separate, then that-"

i shook my head and signed, no, we can shower together. i was just wondering what we were doing today?

his eyes lit up and he led me to the bathroom. "that, my dear, is a surprise."

i admit, i felt all fluttery and pink-yellow lemonade in my tummy when he called me his dear. the feeling didn't go away as geoff and i took a shower. i had a rough time washing the suds out of his hair. he laughed and did it himself.

geoff insisted that we wore something nice. he looked downright good in his jean jacket over the black button up and slacks. i just wore a white button up and my nicest jeans. i had finished putting my shoes on before him, so i sat on his lap and kissed him. he hummed with green-blue paisley.

when we pulled apart, i said, "k-kisses mmmake ev-everythin' b-better," and hopped off him. i grabbed my phone and wallet and stood by the door. geoff was still on the bed, staring at me with disbelief. "what?"

he shook his head, but the dumbfounded look stayed on his face as he gathered his things. we spent maybe an hour packing because we were leaving for the airport bright and early the next day. we went downstairs to where william was sitting in his kitchen.

he set down his mug and shrugged on his coat that was nearby. "shall we get goin' then, lads? oranjee, correct?"


i wanted to live at the restaurant. it was so beautiful that it had geoff running for his money. the food was so splendid that i felt bad for being full after only a few bites. william chatted away, telling geoff the history of the restaurant, while i zoned out and looked around. i saw so many people traveling by bike that i lost count after twenty-six.

william suddenly gave geoff a look before he left the table, saying something about more reservations and whatnot. i let their secrecy go because i was still reeling from yesterday, and i was too exhausted to ask anyway.

geoff cleared his throat. "so..."

i raised an eyebrow at him. "'so' wh-what?"

geoff took a deep breath. "awsten, when we first met, i-i admit that you seemed..." he gesticulated, looking for words.

"a-a ffreak." i supplied. he frowned.

"not even! just...different and...isolated. but when i got to know you, i knew that wasn't the case. i've come to learn that you're the sweetest, gentelest, cutest boy i've ever seen.

" scared me that day when i found you with the pills. i was scared that everything i ever said to you didn't matter. i was scared that i would never get the chance to tell you more, to tell you something i normally wouldn't have the courage to."

i swallowed the lump in my throat. i couldn't tell if he was breaking up with me, or being unusually mushy.

"i love that i am someone who made your life better," he continued. "i' ecstatic that i found you when i did-or, bumped into you." he was silent while i laughed, and when i was done, he continued on again. "anyway, i'm happy we met because i saw relief in your eyes in that moment."

geoff was standing next to me by then. he pulled something out of his pocket, and held it so i couldn't see what it was.

"awsten constantine knight." my eyes widened when it suddenly clicked for me what was happening. "i hope i can be the reason you have a...honey glow, is it? on your face every morning. i hope i can be enough reason to get out of the house." he knelt down on one knee and opened his hands.

"will you marry me, daffodil?"



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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