Chapter Five

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edit: 8.23.20

628 words

geoff p.o.v.

i need to admit that awsten and i played zelda and mario games until sundown at six. awsten looked at the time and his eyes widened. i watched him get up from over my water glass. i asked him what he was doing once i finished my drink. his only response was refilling his own water cup.

i caught a glimpse of the mail truck driving away. i suddenly got an idea and went over to awsten.

"hey, aws? do you mind going to get the mail? i've gotta use the bathroom."

he smirked and signed, well don't let me distract you.

i kissed his cheek and hurried upstairs. i heard the front door shut. i had two minutes to set up.

i hurried to get the packages of fake rose petals from my room. i ran downstairs and made a trail from the front door back to my room. i kept my door shut as i hastened to light the two candles on my dresser and turn out the light. it really wasn't much, but i knew awsten would appreciate it.

my bedroom door opened slowly just as i set down a cup of water next to the candles. as the door closed, i heard awsten ask ever so softly, in that small, timid voice of his, "w-what...?"

i went over to him and held his hands. "i wanted to make today special." i replied. 

awsten giggled and let go of my hands to sign, it was already special, silly. i got to spend time with you.

i kissed him delicately and briefly. "how long has it been since we kissed last?" awsten's eyebrows went up. i chuckled and added, "besides right now."

i was just able to see him blush and shrug in the candle-lit darkness. i led awsten's hands to rest on my shoulders. i put an arm around his waist and pulled him close to kiss him. he was the one to deepen the kiss, although his breathing started to pick up. i thought it was because he was aroused, and i gladly obliged.

we stumbled to my bed and i fell back. it was awkward for a second only when awsten stopped kissing me to see if i was alright. i hummed an affirmative and we continued kissing. at some point, i took off my shirt. i was surprised when awsten did the same, but it was only because i did.

my hands strayed as far as his hips. before i could register it, awsten was backing off of me. his eyes were so wide that i could see the whites of his eyes, even in the dim candle light. i noticed his breathing had started to change, picking up more. i stood up quickly and held his hands. he jumped at the contact and tried to pull away.

"awsten, daffodil, it's okay if you're not ready." i told him. "we-we can wait as long as we need to. we don't have to tonight."

he wouldn't look at me, but he at least had stopped trying to get away. he kept his face down and his eyes squeezed shut. i knew that was his way of shutting down. i sighed and opened my door for him. he was gone into his own room in a heartbeat.

i sighed again and walked over to my dresser to blow out the candles. i cleaned up the rose petals before i got into pajamas and into bed.

i didn't know what i had done to upset him. i was scared too; i've never had sex before. but we would have been able to figure it out together. as i fell asleep, i resolved to talk to otto about it as soon as possible.

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