Chapter Eighteen

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awsten p.o.v

my alarm sounded off at five am. just because i was an 'adult' now, it did not mean that i didn't have to get up early. it was my own choice to get up early anyway, but it wouldn't be geoff's.

my feet padded lavender dots across the floor as i shuffled to geoff's room. i took a deep breath before i poked his shoulder and whispered his name. he just snorted in his sleep. i huffed and pushed his arm a little harder, and said his name a little louder. still, all he did was make a small sound and continue to sleep peacefully.

i was determined though. i clambered up on his bed and laid down next to him. "gggeeeoofffrrreeeyyy." i whined. i magenta kissed him softly all over his face. between every other kiss, i said his name.

he was still asleep after the twentieth kiss.

i rolled out of his bed and grabbed my phone. i went to my music and selected a song, making sure my phone was on full blast. "wake...up...go, go go!" i sang with the music.

fucking finally.

geoff bolted up in bed. his hair was sticking out everywhere and he looked frantic. i wasn't concerned; i was too busy laughing at the orange-blue paisley tinting his eyes.

"awsten, what the fuck?" he asked.

i giggled and grabbed his hands. "wanna paint you." i replied whilst trying to tug him out of bed.

his eyes had closed again as he hummed. "mmm. okay. what time is it?"

i hesitated to tell him. one of his eyes opened and he peered at me with a steely, one-eyed gaze. he repeated his question. i sheepishly told him it was five am.

he sighed and used me to pull himself out of bed. "well, i'm already up..."

i frowned. "'m sorry..." i mumbled. "go back..."

he shook his head. "it's okay, gem. let's go and paint me." he went to grab a shirt, but i stopped him. he looked at me with the same orange-blue paisley as before. my face felt like a glowstone. "what is it?"

" shirt." i mumbled. "if-if you-you wanna...yeah." i finished lamely. geoff watched me closely, and the glowstone across my cheeks got stronger.

"okay," he finally said. he dropped the shirt he was holding and followed me to my room. he stayed behind me on the climb up to my studio and i helped him up.

i pointed to one of the loveseats that i had, and he sat down on the yellow one. i hummed softly as i grabbed a medium-sized canvas. i set it down on my painting table.

i turned to look at my boyfriend. he was dozing peacefully. i felt bad for waking him up, but i really wanted to paint him.

i went over to him and lightly tapped his cheek. "baby." i giggled. "please wake up..."

he grumbled and stirred. his eyes opened sleepily. i bit my lip. he seemed to realise i was upset because he grabbed my shirt and gently pulled me down to kiss him.

"'s okay..." he said. "i don't mind..."


"mhm." he hummed. he daffodil kissed me again and let me go. i hurried to grab the paints i needed and a palette. i set them down next to the canvas and then nearly ran get some paintbrushes. i caught a glimpse of geoff smiling at me, encouraging.

i smiled back. i grabbed my paint water cup and set it down on the table too. i looked at geoff for a long time. he didn't notice because his eyes were closed again. i finally decided to let him be. besides, his position was fine. if he wasn't going to be asleep now, he definitely would be later.

i noticed that pink-yellow lemonade covered his bare chest. often, i wanted to stop what i was doing to lay with him and nestle in the colours, and sometimes i nearly do, if it weren't for me being afraid of my paint drying.

i kept an eye on the clock near the door. i finished the painting some time after eight thirty. geoff had been asleep the entire time, but i didn't mind. i put my used brushes in the cup and went over to the brunette.

"wake up, gee." i said softly. he groaned his way awake and rubbed his eyes. "wha...?" he mumbled.

"done." i announced, planting a small kiss on his nose. "wanna see?" he hummed an affirmative and i went over to grab the painting. i turned it to face him.

awe covered his features almost immediately. he slowly got up from the loveseat and came up to me. he hovered a blue-yellow finger along one of painting-his hair strands.

"pearl..." he gasped. "is this...?" he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. i nodded and leaned forward to capture his lips with my own. "i wanna see colours too." he said, still in awe.

i giggled. "fffun, some-sometimes."

"you should paint otto sometime too." he suggested. "this is..." he trailed off to admire the painting more.

"i-i love you-you, gee."

he grinned, his tongue peeking out from between his lips. "i love you too, daffodil."

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