The Chosing

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As we left our parents and entered the huge arena, the enire place fell deathly silent when the boys saw that I was the only girl there. I sighed, I got the same reaction when I joined the troops, they'll get used to it. I looked around and after about 15 minutes, no other girls had turned up.

"Good morning initiates, welcome to the 168th chosing. Now please can we have a huge applause for the Zaffre Ryders!!" The announcer shouted over the tannoy and as I looked up I saw the Zaffre Ryders fly passed on their gorgeous but massive dragons. The entire arena was in a loud applause so much so you couldn't hear yourself think. I too was excited to care though.

As they landed on the stage and got off their dragons, a boy who was stood behind me in the line said,"What are you doing here? Did you not know that only the strongest can get in?" He sneered and a few other boys followed his lead.

"I think you have the wrong line princess, the line for the 'Prettiest Girl Contest' is over there!" A cocky boy, with blonde hair and(sorry I have to say this) strikingly gorgeous features, said. That really boiled my blood and my bro turned to notice. Did they not know who I am?!?

That's it, he's dead. I thought as I calmy and casually walked up to him. "What's your name?" I demanded as he looked at me with a stupid expression.

"Tai. And before you ask yes I am single and yes I will give you my number, beautiful." He proceeded to place a hand on my cheek but I hissed at him like a tiger and he immediately removed it, "Oooh feisty. I like em like that. So princess what do you say to meeting over at my house for a little fu..." I caught his arm in a Chinese Burn and then when he was screaming out in pain, I hoisted him over my shoulder(that was quite hard as seen as he was a stocky lad) and then threw him to the ground. I grabbed hold of the pole supporting the tent, twirled around it, jumped off landing on his stomach and then stabbed my elbow into his family jewels.

Before he started to hold onto his precious, I flipped him over onto his back, grabbed one of his arms and put it in the most uncomfortable position behind his back, pulling it upwards which he screamed in terror and pain. Then once my knee was digging into the small of his back, I bent down and said loud enough for everyone in the arena to hear, "What were you going to say, Tai?" I spat his name, "No I do not want to date you, no I do not want your number and finally no I do most certainly not want to go back to your house!"

Eventually I got up and just for good measure gave him a kick in the ribs. "And let that be a lesson to all of you. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I am a weak damsel needing to be saved, I am strong, independant and powerful." I shouted around the arena, letting it bounce off the walls and enter the ears of the now silent crowd.

"Well now that we have your attention how about we begin the chosing tests!" A Zaffre Ryder spoke(I think he's the leader, oh and also I noticed that there were no girls in this gang. Eek I was the first! Yay, I'm sooo happy.) and it took a few seconds but then the audience started to cheer.

All of the initiates, but Tai(who was still rolling around on the floor) stood to attention as the ryders climbed down from the stage to inspect us. The first test. Inspection.

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