♕ Chapter 25

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"Alan, Jessy, please. I don't want you guys to fight in front of me," Luke tried to stop them from fighting. "Let's just wait for Seth, okay?"

"I'm going," Jessica said, narrowing her eyes at Alan. "I can't sit here with a fake friend, " she said before she stormed away from there. Alan frowned and pretended like he wanted to punch her. When Jessy was gone, Luke tapped his lap. "Why'd you said that to her?" he asked.

"What?" Alan said, throwing his hands up in the air. "Luke, she's different now. All she thinks about is Seth and how to destroy his marriage. She's crazy!"

"Yeah. But she's our friend," Luke disagreed. "It's Seth's fault for ditching her. Everyone would have done the same thing if they're at her place,"



"I hate her so much right now, Rose!!!" Cassidy clenched her fists and shouted, "How dare she kissed your husband!!" 

Rose sighed and rested her head in the palm of her hand. She didn't have any mood to join Cassidy and Lily's rant. "Cass's right! What are you going to do, Rose? What did Seth say about this?" Lily asked. Rose shook her head. "I'll do nothing," she said.

Lily slapped her shoulder. "What? Are you crazy? That slut is kissing your husband! Wake up, Rose Humprey!" she shouted. Cassidy nodded excitedly. "If I were you, I would have kills that b!tch right away!" she added and punched the air. 

"Guys, please," Rose begged and closed her ears. "Stop ranting. I'm okay and Seth explained everything to me. I trust him," 

"But you can't just sit and do nothing!" Lily stomped the table. The whole class stared at her but she didn't care. "Rose Humprey! Where's your spirit?"

She ignored her and suddenly, their classroom door was opened. Jessica walked into the class and turned her eyes to Rose. "I need to talk to you," she said in a serious tone. Rose hesitated but then she nodded. She stood up to her feet and motioned towards her. 

"Alone," Jessica sneered as Lily and Cassidy was following her from behind. Rose turned herself to face them. "I'll be fine," she assured and Jessica walked out of the classroom. She followed at once.

A few minutes later, Alex came into the class and motioned towards Lily and Cassidy who was wearing a worried expression. "Morning," he said and placed his backpack on the table. Lily and Cassidy narrowed their eyes at him. "What?" Alex asked, puzzled.

"Its Rose. She went with Jessica," Cassidy told him. Alex's eyes widened and he frowned. "What? To where? Why?" he asked multiple questions. "Jessica wants to talk to her. Alone. I'm worried, Alex," Lily said and bit her lips. "I hope she won't do anything to her,"

Alex hurried out from the class. "Where are you going? Alex!" Lily called for him. She looked at Lily. "Let's go with him," she suggested. Cassidy nodded and they rushed to chase him. 


"I think you already know why I want to talk to you," Jessica said, glaring at her. They were sitting in the school garden. "It's about Seth and me,"

Rose's heart was on fire when she said that. "He told me what happened and I trust him," she said calmly. Jessica chuckled. "Let me guess. He told you that he didn't kiss me back and the kiss wasn't on purpose? And I was the one who forced him?" she sneered. Rose didn't say a thing. 

"Gosh, I thought you were a lot cleverer than that, Rose. Even though you're just the sandwich-makers daughter," she laughed. "Let me tell you what happen from my point of view. Seth called me on that night and we promised to meet in Paris. He said that he needed someone to be with him. And like always I would always there for him. We shared a kiss and it was a genuine one,"

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