Lurking in the shadows

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Peter's POV
"Wait slow down, what's going on man?"
Peter just stared down the school corridor trying to comprehend what had just happened. Sighing and shaking his head a started toward only to come to a sudden halt. Listening carefully he heard it again. Growling. Menacing animalistic snarls coming from the corner. Peter started to backtrack to where he heard the unusual sounds and found him self outside the janitors closet. The door was slightly ajar with the small lightbulb that illuminated the small room flickering. He reached toward to grab the handle when in the flickering light he caught the glimpse or an odd shape that closely resembled that of an animal on its hind legs. Preparing for the worst he barged into the room expecting a fight but staring in confusion when the stillness revealed an empty room.
"Peter is that you?"
Peter was startled by the unexpected voice and gave a little shriek clinging to the ceiling.
"Peter what are you doing get down before someone sees you!" Queen Stacy whispers harshly.
"Are you ok? Peter what is it?" Gwen starts to get concerned. She's never seen him this on edge.
"It's nothing. Just bought I saw something," Is Peter's reply however Gwen is not convinced. However she decides to brush it off linking her arm through his and dragging him to their lesson.
Meanwhile however through the slightly ajar door once again Peter out of the corner of his eye can see a growing shadow of a monster and once again a dark growling fills the corridors of the school.

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