"But he tried to get passed Fluffy, he got bit" Harry reasoned. I looked at him sceptically. "Yeah, well if I recall correctly we also tried to get passed 'Fluffy' and I got bit too" I reminded him. His face paled remembering the incident. "We were there by accident" He defended. "Look, it's alright if you don't believe that Snape's trying to steal it, you can still help us protect it" I pondered the option. It did sound interesting. From what Reiji told me this stone worked wonders and it was pretty dangerous in the wrong hands. But still... "I don't know~" I drawled cautiously. "We still need a bit more information. If you come with us tonight-" "-Tonight!" I exclaimed a bit worried. I had plans of my own after curfew, I was going to visit Hagrid tonight, I needed nourishment. I've been feeling weak ever since I fell ill. I've been very much zombie-like these days. "Sorry, Harry I can't" I told him. He looked disappointed but he nodded acknowledging my response. "It's alright, I understand. You don't have to come tonight" He informed me surely. I silently thanked him. "Any other night I would but...tonight I'm just...not feeling the greatest" I explained.

"Don't worry it's alright. I'll let you know what we find out" I nodded and I turned to part ways thinking the conversation was over but... "Did you get my present? Hermione told me you'd been sick. She also told me Dumbledore allowed someone to bring you all of your gifts. I just wondered if you had the chance to open mine?" He slightly blushed. He shifted nervously waiting for my response. I offered him a warm smile. "I did. And thank you, It means a lot" He smiled back. "I hope you'll try to join next year. You'll be a great player I can tell" I blushed a bit at his compliment. Harry had gotten me a book on Quidditch as well as a nice pair of leather keeper gloves. The part that meant a lot was inside his note. There was a picture of both my mom and my dad in their Quidditch gear. Separate of course, my mom was a few years younger than my dad...and from different houses. It was a shock to me. How had Harry gotten those photos? In the note, he also specified that the gloves he got me were similar to the ones my mom would've worn as a keeper. That really warmed my heart...well it would have if I actually had a heartbeat...but I don't.

"I'm glad you liked it, I was worried you might not have" He said shyly while rubbing the back of his head. I shook my head as if to tell him not to worry. "Well anyways Harry, I'll see you later. I promised my roommates that I'd study with them" I waved. He nodded and waved back as I turned to leave.

//Time skip...// Later that night...

Echoes reverberated through the halls with each step I took. Practically inaudible breaths left my mouth as I walked in pure darkness. Not even the torches were lit in the hallways. It was waaay past curfew. Perfect time for me to be out. There wasn't a soul to be seen or heard, not even the paintings were aware of my presence.

Leaves crunched beneath my feet as I exited the castle. The only source of light was the moon. 'A Waning Gibbous' I thought to myself. The moon was changing from Full to Crescent.

"Good evening Hagrid" I uttered quietly. The humble Half-Giant allowed me into his hut and shut the door behind him. "It's been 'er while since I seen ya last" He voiced. I hummed to acknowledge him. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything" I spoke cautiously, eyeing the cauldron bubbling over the fire. He followed my gaze. "Oh, you've got a keen eye" Hagrid half chuckled. My expression was blank. "I don't mean to be nosy" I excused. He waved my apology off. "Nonsense! I'm sure ya know what that is" He trailed off. He suddenly cleared his throat changing the subject. "I uh...gotcha this here" He said turning around to rummage through a box behind him. He pulled out a fairly good size Hare, snow white fur, large twitchy ears. A cute thing actually. I stared up at him curiously. "You didn't name it did you?" It was more of an accusation than a question. Hagrid scratched the back of his curly hair covered neck. "Uhm...no. Professor Dumbledore told me I ain't oughta name'em because uh...ya know what" He trailed nervously. I hummed casually. "I shall name him then" I said smoothly. Hagrid's expression turned to surprise. "Oh?" I smirked as I eyed the unsuspecting creature. "Its name shall be...dinner" I pretended not to notice when the Half-Giant visibly stiffened.

A vampire at HogwartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin