Chapter 16: Ewok Ambush and the Golden God

Start from the beginning

"I thought she was with you two," said Han.

"We got separated!" Luke explained.

"And also, Dad, Mom is the reason I jumped from the speeder bike," Jon added. "It was her idea. She told me to, so I could get help."

"We'd better go look for her," Luke suggested.

"Good idea, Luke," said Jon.

"Take the squad ahead," Han told Kes. "We'll meet at the shield generator at 0300." Kes nodded, then headed off with the rest of the strike team.

"Come on, R2," Luke said, beginning to walk away in the opposite direction. "We'll need your scanners." Jon, Han and Chewie walked behind Luke. R2 and 3-PO took up the rear. R2 cheerfully beeped and whistled.

"Don't worry, master Luke!" said 3-PO. "We know what to do! And you said it was pretty here!" he condescendingly added to R2. "Ugh!"

"Where should we start looking?" asked Jon.

"By trying to find the wreckage of the speeder bikes," Luke replied. "That would off us our best lead. And we should all split up, too. I'll go this way, taking R2 and 3-PO with me. Han, Jon and Chewie, you three go that way."

"Hey, I'm the General around here," said Han. "I should be the one to give orders."

"Han, looking for Leia was my idea," said Luke. "I really wanna find her."

"And I do, too," said Han. "Ok, we'll split up. Jon, Chewie, like Luke said, you two are with me." Jon followed behind his father and the Wookiee.

"Hey, Dad," Jon began. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

"I am, too," said Han. "I also wanna apologize for yelling at you; both when you and Luke returned, and back at the shuttle. Your mother wouldn't want us to fight."

"Even though we just can't help it sometimes," Jon pointed out. "Um, but in those times where you do get mad at me and we do fight, do you ever feel like I disappointed you or screwed up?"

"Where'd you get an idea like that, Jon?" asked Han.

"Just answer the question, Dad," Jon said quietly.

"Raising you has never been easy," Han replied. "I'm talking about both when it was just you, me and Chewie, and after Luke and Leia came around. You've done things that I've found...questionable."

"Like joining Mom and Luke on that speeder bike chase?" asked Jon.

"Well, yeah, that..for example," answered Han. "Sure, I worry about you. But I've never been disappointed in you. Truth is, I often wonder if I've ever disappointed you or let you down."

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now