
Start from the beginning

“Ray-sama, Allen-sama, someone took them away” the person screamed in the darkness.

Upon hearing this Reind and Arnette, and all the guards of the Manor, went towards with the balcony to find the whereabouts of the kidnappers. The basic assumption was that the kidnappers couldn't have gotten far but, the main concern was how many of them were there.

“Just a little more to go and then we could enter the forest” said the kidnapper no. 1.

“Do you seriously think it's a good idea to kidnap the sons of that Duke?” asked the kidnapper no. 2 as they ran towards the forest at their full speed.

“That Duke dotes on these brats here, he would definitely pay us the ransom no matter how large it is” answered the kidnapper no.1.

As they reached near the forest a person suddenly appeared behind them warning about leaving the children and surrender if they don't have a death wish.

Scared by this sudden voice both the kidnappers stop at their spot and start to look around for the person.

"It seems that you are not stupid enough to throw your life away for any amount of ransom" Said the voice.

"Who are you? Come and fight us coward." said the kidnapper no.1.

Suddenly a man came down jumping from trees.

"Who are the real cowards here? But it seems you are not the cowards as you dared to kidnap those boys. Or you are just stupid enough to think that you will get out of this ordeal without a scratch."

As Arnette was talking both the men took out a dagger and placed it near Ray's and Allen's throat. “If you come anywhere near us we will slit their throat” threatened the one of the kidnappers.

As he saw this Arnette's eyes, which were full of life, suddenly turned into one full of seriousness and he disappeared from the sights of the kidnapper in an instant, and appearing behind the one who was holding Ray hostage.

He grabbed the hand which was holding the knife and started to break it slowly until the man's scream could be heard throughout the area where they were present in. The other kidnapper frightened by the horrifying scene which he just witnessed started to back up while holding the knife ever so carefully as to not lose it.

Arnette made sure that Ray was unharmed and asked him to stand some place away from the man whose arm he had just broken and asked him to stand by near the tree.
The man was startled to his core and when Arnette started to walk towards him, he brings the knife closer to Allen's neck almost touching it.
As he was closing the gap between him and the kidnapper he saw a drop of blood flowing from Allen's neck which made him go in frenzy. He covered up the distance between him in a second. The man tried to defend himself by using fire magic, covering himself in flames but Arnette tore open the flames and grabbed the man's head.

One could see the anger in his eyes as if the man who had such mellow eyes on the first meeting with the twins had never existed.

He freed Allen from the man with another arm and asked him whether he can stand on his own to which he replied with a nod. He putted Allen down and asked him to go to where Ray was the latter obeyed the man obediently.

As Allen walked away what followed was the scream of the kidnapper, which one could tell the agony the kidnapper was going through. After sometime Arnette came to the boys and picked them up and apologized for his earlier behavior to which Allen replied saying "Arnette did what he did to protect us" which was followed by a nod from Ray.

This caused Arnette to break out in laughter. “I certainly did heard that both of you were too smart for your age but did not think that it would have been true” said Arnette as he finished laughing.

Soon they reached the house in which everyone was anxiously awaiting the return of the three. As they reached home they were hugged by worried Melinda and Reind.

Stella, too, was crying and blaming herself as she hugged the boys. Melinda noticed the small wound on Allen's neck as she inquired about it from Arnette. He explained the whole event that transpired in the forest to Reind and Melinda in the study. Meanwhile Stella treated the wound in the nursery and later changed the clothes of the boys as they were covered with dirt.

The announcement was made of the party ending due to the events and all guests were accommodated to the rooms while dinner was served to them in their rooms.

After hearing about what happened in the forest Reind was not pleased and was ready to kill both men, he sent a team of guards to retrieve the men from the area near forest.

Later Reind and Melinda went to the bedroom where Ray and Allen were already asleep. Both watched as the boys slept and let out a sigh of relief that their sons were with them safe and sound.

Reincarnated in another world as twinsWhere stories live. Discover now