13 - Wacky's Lost Voice

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GoblinGurl18 updated her Facebook status: guys I have great news!


White_Haired_Hottie: who dis?

MagicGamer04: Wacky's cousin

White_Haired_Hottie: cool... is she hot?

GoblinGurl18: (>/////<) TRAVIS! That's not the point!

MagicGamer04: yea Travis! So what'd you wanna tell us?

GoblinGurl18: Wacky lost her voice

MagicGamer04: ... YAY

EvilCupcake updated his Facebook status: since Wacky is voiceless, what should we do?


FNAF_queen: I have an idea...

MagicGamer04: oh no

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CoolWolfDude updated his Facebook status: since Wacky is silent, imma go break some windows! Who wants to join me!


MagicGamer04: MEE! Imma break Wacky's window and there is nothing she can say about it!

blueberry: you have problems

MagicGamer04: Don't judge me!

shadow_knight_king updated his Facebook status: I think I'll just go tag some walls since Wacky isn't here to stop me!


SneakySasha: Yay! It's been a while!

Zenix_Rocks: for once, I agree with Sasha

Aphmeow: but i thought you guys were good now...

shadow_knight_king: Wacky ain't here so no, Kitty

White_Haired_Hottie updated his Facebook status: since Wacky isn't here, Imma be flirtatious!


blueberry: Oh no... WACKY PLS RETURN!

Dante_1234: (°v°)b

GoblinGurl18 updated her Facebook status: BOOBYTATTOO ARMY RISE!


Sexy_Witch: wtf


MagicGamer04: wait, Wacky I thought you lost your voice?

WackyWolf: I did but that doesn't mean I can't chat on Facebook you or annoy you through text!

MagicGamer04: NUUUUU

WackyWolf updated her Facebook status: wazzup dogs! Wacky here! So I actually lost my voice today due to screaming too much at Mario Kart. So yeah. The new character, @GoblinGurl18 is my cousin. She doesn't write any stories but is still pretty cool, so go follow her!


GoblinGurl18: BOOBYTATTOO!


FNAF_queen: wtf

WackyWolf: it's a inside joke!

MagicGamer04: ok then...

WackyWolf: thats it for today guys! I luv you all! Until next time, WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*

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