Chapter 6: Christmas Eve Sleepover

Start from the beginning

Scorpius looked over at Albus, Rose, and Holly. They looked excited.

"YES!!!" They all exclaimed. Even Scorpius, the shy one of the group, exclaimed with them.

Albus was thrilled. In two days, they'd all gather at the Burrow. He was probably most excited that he'd get to spend Christmas with Holly. Yes, Albus was in love, just like Scorpius. It didn't help that the four of them were all so close, and neither Albus or Scorpius wanted to lose Rose or Holly as friends.

The train skidded to a stop. The friends each said goodbye until they all met again in two days. Albus and Rose, along with each of their parents and siblings, all apparated to the Burrow. They were going to be staying there for the entire break.

Once Albus recovered from the strange feeling of apparation, he looked around. He was at his favorite place in the entire world along with Hogwarts; the Burrow.

The Weasley family was one of the biggest families Albus had ever seen. Since Albus's father didn't have any other family besides his godson Teddy Lupin, they always spent Christmas at the Weasley home. And that included a LOT of family members.

Albus greeted as many family members as he could without getting overwhelmed; he hated being in small rooms with lots of people. He greeted Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron, Grandma and Grandpa Weasley, Uncle George and Aunt Angelina, Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur, Uncle Percy and Aunt Audrey, Uncle Charlie, and his many cousins, Hugo, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Roxanne, Fred, Molly, Lucy, and of course Teddy. (A/N: Hehe I named all the Weasley's XD)

And of course Grandma Weasley enchanted the Burrow to hold all these people. Albus was quite amazed.

The next night, Albus escaped to his guest bedroom after the huge family shared Christmas Eve dinner. He was sharing the tiny room with James for right now, saving the other bed for Scorpius. He couldn't wait until his friend got there, because James was annoying him right now.

"How do you even know how to use a telephone, James?" Albus asked his brother, who was on Grandpa Weasley's old telephone with, from what he learned, his Muggle-born, seventh year girlfriend Leslie Tompkins.

James rolled his eyes and excused Leslie on the phone, then pressed his palm to the phone, "Al, I am on the phone with the hottest seventh year girl at Hogwarts. Shut up." Then James went back to babbling away on the phone.

Albus had had enough, so he left the room. He just prayed James wouldn't be on the phone ALL night. He was bored, and it wasn't quite time for curfew, so he decided to go to Rose's room on the floor below to talk to her. As he headed towards the stairs, he heard banging coming from the attic, which was located on that floor level. The door was open, so he peeked his head inside.

Inside, Albus's cousins Hugo, who was in his second year at Hogwarts like his sister Lily, and Fred, who was a first year. The known-to-be-mischievous boys were sitting on the floor, looking through some old boxes. Merlin knows what they were up to.

Albus cleared his throat. "Um, what are you guys doing?"

Hugo and Fred spun around, looking pretty guilty of something.

"Nothing. Just bored." Hugo said. He had some cards in his hands, obviously some sort of Muggle items. Grandpa Weasley still liked Muggle stuff.

"We found some cool stuff." added Fred.

"Oh really, like what?" Albus asked. He must've been pretty bored, since he's come to a first and second year for entertainment.

"Just some cards. I think they're called," Hugo read the card carefully. "Poke-eh-mon."

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