

Draco felt horrible. Here he was complaining about some childish Slytherins, when his mother had lost all of her friends too. Poor Mum, he thought. Then he remembered the other letter. It was sealed with the Hogwarts seal, and he wondered who it was from.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

Please report to my office after breakfast. I believe there are some things we need to discuss.

Albus Dumbledore

Draco shook his head. What could he possible want? I've only been here two days. Well, technically I've been here a week and two days, but still. Draco left Blaise to go down to the dungeons and get the things he would need for class. Then he headed to the Headmaster's office, which he realized now, he didn't have the password for.


Ginny had woken up in a very good mood. She remembered dreaming about Draco all night, which she knew was a very bad thing, but she didn't care. She decided to get ready in the Prefects' bathroom, and since it was still very early, she hoped it would be empty. She spent nearly an hour in there before getting dressed for classes and going down to the Great Hall for breakfast. She sat down near the end of the table by herself, hoping to have a quick breakfast. Not five minutes later, two familiar Slytherins plopped down on either side of her.

"Mornin' Gin," said Bri.

"Sleep well?" Pam added.

"Morning, girls, and yes thanks. What are you doing here?"

"Well, Pammy and I have been thinking about it and we think that... umm..."

"G, we're gonna set you up with Draco! He totally digs you too."

"No! Absolutely not. No way! Not gonna happen. Forget it, both of you."

"Gin, come on, it's been forever since I got to play matchmaker!"

"Find another victim!"

"You know you like him, G, you admitted it. Why not let us help?"

"Because. Just forget it."

"Do you have tutoring today?" Bri asked.

"No, tomorrow."

"But you have patrol tonight." Pam said.

"Yes, and I don't plan to say a word tonight. I don't want any new bruises."

"He bruised you? I thought you said he didn't throw you up against the wall that hard?"

"No, but I've got finger prints on both my arms because he held them so tight."

"G, let me heal them for you," Pam said, pulling out her wand.

"No! Um, I' to Pomfrey later."

Truthfully, Ginny wanted to use them to guilt trip Draco into speaking to her tonight. But, she wasn't about to tell Pam that. After her talk with Hermione last night, she decided to try a little bit harder with Draco, and maybe feel him out a bit. However, she wasn't about to let her friends meddle.

"Anyway, I better go, I've got tutoring with Harry next."

"I still say this is so not fair!"

"Too bad Bri, live with it." Ginny winked at her friends before getting up, and leaving for Study Room B. She wanted to be there when Harry arrived. She was taking all of this studying very seriously. She had found out that twelve was the most number of OWLs you can get, and Hermione and her brother, Percy, had both gotten the highest, so she wanted to get that many too.

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