"No", Monica and Rachel said inmediately after.

"C'mon, you have to play that when you go away, it's like a law".

Alycia sighed from the couch. "Can someone else please come up with a better game?"

Before anyone could reply, Phoebe walked into the house. "Hey, how are you guys?"

"Bored and bored", Chandler replied.

"You know what naked card game is never boring?"

"No!", everyone cutted Joey off.

"So what's Phoebe like?", Monica decided to change the subject.

"I'm kind, caring and sweet. How's Monica like?", Phoebe smiled.

"I meant the other Phoebe".

"Oh, I think she knows where my dad is!".

"That's great, Pheebs!", Alycia stood up from the couch to walk closer to the two girls.

"She was pretending like she hasn't heard from him in years but I found this picture on her fridge and look, isn't this how he'd look like now?".

Phoebe took the photo out of the pocket of her sweater, showing it to her six friends as everyone agreed with her.

"Why would she lie to you?".

"I don't know but we're having dinner tomorrow night so I figured she's gonna tell me then. Maybe she wants to give him time to, you know, buy me presents or something", she chuckled. "So, you're all bored".

"Yeah", Ross replied with a sigh.

"Alright. I'm gonna close my eyes and point to someone, and whoever I point has to come up with something fun for us to do".

"Okay", the group agreed, forming a half circle around Phoebe.

"Oh, or we could just do this!", Phoebe said after she started spinning around. 

She finally stopped, pointing at Chandler.

"Uhm...we all have to play...Strip Poker?".

Joey jumped happily at Chandler's idea as everyone sighed, not wanting to play that stupid game. Since there was pretty much nothing else to do, they finally decided to play.

"Okay, I take Joey's boxers", Rachel smiled. During the whole game, all the friends turned against Joey, leaving him just in his underwear.

"Fine, I got y'all right where I want you", he replied.

"Just take them off", Alycia chuckled.

"Actually, it's getting kind of cold. How about I keep them on and give you just a peek of the good stuff?".

Rachel rolled her eyes at him before standing up. "I'm gonna make some more Margaritas".

"Wow, are you trying to get me dunk?", Ross joked when Rachel poured the liquid left in the jar onto his cup.

"I'm just making Margaritas", she shrugged with a flirty grin.

Alycia decided to stand up after her to go to the kitchen. Joey chuckled a little when he saw her without her pants on because he was the one responsible for it. She turned around to give him a warning look before going to the kitchen with Rachel.

"Okay, what is going on?".

"What?", Rachel asked, confused. "What are you talking about?".

"Didn't you notice the way he was looking at you? He's totally flirting with you!".

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