Chapter Five

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Long after he'd taken Keith back to his room and returned to the bridge with his generals, Lotor looked to Ezor.

  "Ezor? Do you think I'm extra?" He asked. 

  "Extra? What does that even mean?" She asked. 

  "You know, like, do you think I'm over dramatic?" He asked. She almost giggled, and Zethrid answered for her. 

  "Oh, Absolutely." She said, causing Ezor to really start laughing. Axca rolled her eyes, turning to face Lotor.

  "Don't you think you've been spending a little too much time with the Paladin?" She asked. 

  "What? No, of course not. There was just, an incident today, and he needed my attention." The prince assured her. 

  "Was there an incident yesterday?" She asked.

  "And the day before that?" Ezor added, a knowing smile on her face. "I think you've been giving him special treatment because you ~like~ him." She said, a teasing tone in her voice. Lotor wasn't one to get embarrassed very often, but he was now and he refused to let that continue much longer. 

  "I need to go." He said, standing up abruptly. He didn't say another word to them as he left, refusing to let this teasing drag on any longer.


 "Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" The prince asked. He agreed to walk around the ship with Keith for a short while but the boy would absolutely not leave him alone once they came across the training deck. He found it kind of endearing really. 

  "Yes, Lotor. I told you we were going to fight sooner or later." He said with a grin. Lotor hadn't seen him look so lively and excited once since he'd been on the ship. Maybe that was understandable. 

  "Alright, if you insist." The prince smiled at him. "Though, allow me to give you something first." He said. The boy looked confused, but nodded and said okay anyway. The way his face lit up when Lotor handed him his blade was something the prince was glad to see, he had kept the knife on him since he brought the boy on the ship, he didn't expect him to be so excited to see it. 

  "You're letting me have this back?" He asked, snatching the weapon from him as if he would take it back any second. 

  "It's only fair, isn't it?" He said. "Now, Do you wish to continue staring at the thing, or would you like to put it to use?" He asked, unsheathing his own sword.


  "So, what does that make? Four out of five so far?" The prince smiled down at him. "Are you ready to give up, Paladin?"

  "You wish." Keith grinned. He didn't expect to wind up with Lotor on top of him, his sword inches to the side of his head, his hair just barely brushing over his face, not once, but four times, but he wasn't exactly complaining. "Come on, ready for round six?" The prince laughed and got off him, helping him up once he'd done so.

  "Are you sure that you can handle that? You must be tired by now."

  "Oh please, I can handle a few more rounds." He rolled his eyes. He knew Lotor only had an advantage because he hadn't been training regularly like he used to but he was determined to get a real, fair fight out of this. 

  It was only sometime before when he would've tried to slaughter the prince when he had a weapon in his hands. The thought didn't even cross his mind now. He was actually enjoying spending time with Lotor.

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