Chapter Four

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A/N: So, a quick warning for this chapter for implied/attempted rape. 

 Keith didn't trust this at all. He almost wished Lotor treated him with downright cruelty, rather than this confusing thing that may have been kindness. At least then he would've known where he stood in terms of his feelings towards Lotor. Instead, here he was, trying to make him comfortable, treating him like a guest and not a prisoner. It was strange, it was wrong, he didn't like it but he didn't know what to do about it.

He checked every inch of that room, even into the tiny bathroom attached to the room. He couldn't find anything suspicious, and after some time he finally allowed himself to relax. He wanted to just flop down on that bed and keep himself calm for a while, but there was still blood caked on to his body and he generally just felt gross, so he figured taking a shower would be a good idea.

He went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him before turning the shower on and quickly getting undressed. He got into the shower and was more than relieved by the feeling of hot water hitting his skin. He was pleasantly surprised to find this bathroom was already stocked with any basic stuff he would need. He took his time getting all the blood off him and washing his tangled hair, and by the time he got out he just wanted to go back to bed. As he was drying off he heard the door to the main room open, which he found odd since Lotor left not too long ago.

"I'll be right out!" He called to him, quickly getting dressed. Once he was dressed he stepped out of the bathroom, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw not Lotor, but two guards instead. He was immediately on edge, ready to fight if need be. He didn't want to even ask why they were there, he had an awful feeling and his first thought was to try to sprint between them and out the open door. He didn't have a weapon, and felt he'd be safer fleeing than trying to fight both of them. Unfortunately, they were quicker, and he was only caught by one of them grabbing a fist full of his hair and yanking him back.

His hair was released, but then he was being held by his arms, and he was struggling to get away. He struggled against the grip of the Galra holding him, and kicked at the Galra in front of him, shouting at them to let him go, demanding his release, but refusing to beg. He finally managed to slip out of the soldier's grip, but that didn't matter when he was still trapped in a small room with two awfully determined soldiers.

It was unfair that he was caught off guard, and unfair that he didn't have a weapon to defend himself with, but he refused to simply wait for Lotor to come to his aid. He fought back against the guards, it was frantic, clawing and punching and just hoping for the best, Nothing like how he usually fought. He was getting sloppy, he never expected to be this bad after a short while of not training.

He successfully knocked out one of them, but he still had the bigger of the two to worry about. He turned to face him and immediately a fist was slammed into his face, knocking him down. He fell hard on his side, blood gushing from his nose. He did his best to ignore the pain and hurried to get to his feet. The guard swung at him again but he was able to dodge it, lunging at him, punching him straight in the jaw. It didn't do much to stop him though, and soon Keith found himself harshly shoved against a wall, his face slammed against the metal. He struggled against his grip, growling and yelling and cursing at the top of his lungs. When he felt a hand low on his hip he screamed as loud as he could, hoping he could get someone's  attention.

The guard said something but he didn't even hear, his heart pounding in his ears as he screamed at the guard he would tear his throat out with his teeth. Suddenly the guard released him, causing him to quickly turn around to see the tip of a blade that had pierced through his armor, and Lotor standing behind him, looking absolutely furious. He swiftly yanked his sword from the guard, allowing his body to fall between them before looking to Keith, a look of concern on his face now.

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