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"Meet you at Pop, bitches." The message from Louis pinged on my phone and I rolled my eyes. I had just finished putting Hamish to bed. Dad and Oscar had come home in a good mood and I knew they something planned. Of course Louis was celebrating, he was probably the main instigator.

My phone vibrated again and I saw a message from Niall appear on my screen. Relief flooded through me when I saw he was keen and didn't sound angry at all. Pop was only a short fifteen-minute walk from Dad's house. I nodded at Dad, who was in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, and headed out the door.

The air was brisk and I wondered if we were going to get snow this year. It didn't always snow in Londa but white Christmas's were always my favourite. Hamish and Oscar were always particularly excitable when it snowed on Christmas, I think because it reminded them of our last happy Christmas with Mum. Dad tried to make up for it, but it just wasn't the same. His smile never quite reached his eyes.

I nodded at the burly looking security guard at the door of Pop and walked inside. My eyes were met with a barrage of bright lights and scantily clad women. Pop wasn't my favourite place in the world, but I wouldn't miss hanging out with the boys for anything.

Over the din of the music I could make out Niall's boisterous laugh to my right. I spotted him a few metres away, pint in hand, as he talked to the others. Liam made eye contact and waved me over. As I weaved my way through the throngs of lust-driven men I realised Louis's eyes were glued to the stage.

Flicking my gaze to my left I saw a pale girl swaying to the beat, her back to the pole in the centre of the stage. She was only wearing sparkly underwear and Louis was practically salivating at the sight of her. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Niall at the edge of the booth they had managed to score.

"Choice venue lads!" Niall raised his glass in a toast. The boys clinked their glasses – except Louis who was practically in a trance. I kicked him under the table, which made him jerk his head sideways.

"Fuck off," He grumbled, glaring at us as we laughed. "She's perfect."

I looked towards the stage to see the girl's bra had now been removed, which caused me to divert my eyes quickly. Louis was now shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Liam, who was sitting next to him, smirked and smacked him between the legs.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" The words left Louis's mouth in a yelp and he doubled over in pain.

"Keep your hormones in your pants, lad" Liam laughed, rubbing his arm as Louis punched him.

"That fucking hurt, you fucking cock sucker," Louis glared at Liam, his hands still holding his crotch. "Fuck me."

The lights dimmed as we all laughed harder, signaling that the dancer Louis was infatuated with had now left the stage.

"I missed it!" Louis punched Liam again. "Move." The command was issued at Zayn, who laughed loudly and shifted along the bench seat to let Louis out.

"Where ya going mate?" Niall asked, his words were more than a little slurred.

"To try to meet the red haired angel that was just on stage," Louis replied, his stance still bent over slightly as he recovered from the blow between his legs. "I swear to God, Liam, if my dick doesn't work anymore I will kill you." And with that he walked off, hunched over slightly.

"You've gotta admit, the boy's got balls," Niall raised his eyebrows in approval.

"Sore ones," Liam laughed.



The room around us was lit with red lights. I knew it was meant to create a 'sexy' atmosphere but in reality it just made me feel uncomfortable. I was already feeling like shit because I'd had to pay for some time with the girl I now knew as Ruby. I just wanted to talk to her, but that was met with a sarcastic "Suuuuure mate" and a hand held out for my credit card.

Ruby entered the room, standing in the doorway in front of me. She smirked at me as she leant against the doorway. Her curves were clad in a tight red dress and I almost moaned just at the sight of her. I ran my palms down the front of my thighs, and I'm sure they left wet streaks down my jeans. Fuck, she was a goddess.

Her eyes never left mine as she closed the door behind her and sauntered over to my position on the couch.

"I'm Louis," My voice broke as I tried to introduce myself.

"Hi Louis, I'm Ruby," Her voice was like velvet - a little husky and a little deep. I could fucking listen to her recite the fucking dictionary and I'm sure I would be spilling my spunk all over my lap before she reached B.

"Nice to meet you," My voice fucking broke again and I swear to God I was about to scream. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself. My eyes sprung open when I felt the couch dip on either side of my hips and the weight of her palms on my shoulders. She was in my lap.

"I just wanted to talk to you!" I sputtered.

"So talk baby," Her full lips were against my ear and I could feel my resolve waning. Her hips were grinding against me. I knew I wasn't allowed to touch her, those were the rules, but I wanted to push her off me and run.

"Please ... Ruby, I mean it," Even I could tell by my voice that there was desperation laced through it. I sounded like a fucking pre-pubescent teenager. There was no way she was going to take me seriously. Her lips were at my ear again, her teeth tugging on my ear lobe.

"Fuck, stop. Please."

"Baby boy, you really want me to stop?" She cooed in my ear. My dick was so fucking hard. This wasn't what I wanted. I mean, yes, it fucking was, but no – I had to stop her. I wasn't paying her for this.

"Ruby, please. Stop!" I was almost in tears from the lack of blood flow to my head. I tried to rein my hormones in. This time I wouldn't let my cock rule my decisions.

"I can't," She whispered. "I have to give you what you paid for."

"I paid to talk to you!" My words came out in a strangled groan as she left my lap and turned to face her ass towards me. Her hands traced the line of dress as she dragged it higher up her thighs. She turned to face me and pulled the dress over her head.

Oh fuck. Her body was left in nothing but her underwear and it was making it seriously hard for me to think straight. I wanted to know her favourite colour, her favourite animal, her favourite book. But right now, all I could see were her curves and her creamy, pale skin.

"Please Ruby," I was desperate. I didn't want to be in this position.

A look of confusion washed over her face when she realized I was serious. She sat in my lap once more, her breasts a few centimetres from my face. I dropped my head to the back of the couch and closed my eyes. I needed to stay focused. I wanted to know her.

"There are cameras in here," She whispered as her hips began a torturous motion against my lap. I could feel myself growing harder and I was mortified that I couldn't keep my emotions in check. "I won't get paid unless I do my job."

"O-okay." The word was strangled in my throat. "Can they hear us?"

"No," She whispered against my ear.

"Okay, okay ..." I sighed. "Must you keep doing that?" My words were tight and forced. She was so fucking hot and I don't think she had any idea the affect she had on me. Well okay, she probably did. The raging hard on trying to rip a hole in my jeans was a big fucking clue. "Fuck, I can't concentrate."

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked. I opened my eyes and looked up at her, there was a look of confusion painted on her gorgeous features and I realised this was probably the first time a man had invited her into this room and asked to simply talk to her. It made me sick to my stomach. How many men had abused her company in this room?

My fists grabbed at the material of the couch beneath me as I spoke, I was desperate to touch her but knew I wasn't allowed. "I don't know. How are you?"

She laughed, throwing her head back. "I'm good Louis, how are you?"

"Fucking uncomfortable," I grumbled, shifting my hips beneath her. She laughed again which bought a smile to my face.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" She asked as her hands moved behind her back.

"Oh Jesus ... don't ..." my voice trailed off as she removed her bra. I immediately diverted my eyes, trying to show that I respected her. My mind was screaming at me to take one of her pert nipples in my mouth. Fuck, I wanted to feel them harden under my tongue.

No. Pure thoughts, Louis. Get a grip.

"I just ... wanted to get to know you ..." Voicing a full sentence was difficult, my mouth was dry and my heart was racing. My fingers were tensing and I felt like I was going to lose sensation in my hands with how hard I was gripping the couch fabric.

The smile that graced Ruby's face was sad and it broke my heart.

"Are you here tomorrow?" I whispered. I had to see her again.


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