Chapter 21

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We had just ruined the life of the guy who commanded this entire operation.


The scarred man screamed in fury and hit the computer guy in the face. He fell back, blood gushing from his nose, into a computer. I had a feeling he wouldn't be getting up soon.

That's when the alarms started blaring.

Someone must've found Zoura's present. The man didn't seem to notice until a guard rushed into the room.

"Lord Control sir, there's been a fire, and an important experiment escaped! The fire's spreading fast, we need to evacuate! Two of our best scientists are..." The man trailed off. Lord Control wasn't listening. His face was under the desk, about an inch away from mine. He grinned horribly and suddenly I couldn't breathe. My friends were frozen as well.

"Is this perhaps the experiment your looking for?" He asked, wrenching me from out under the table. Kip screamed and I gagged, suspended by my scruff.

"Let go of me you-" I called him the most vulgar word I knew and Charmander threw his hands over Kip's ears. Control turned red in the face.

"If you're smart enough to talk, maybe you're smart enough to program a computer!" He snarled in my face. His breath smelled awful, and the crazed look of hatred wasn't so great either.


(that's what I decided to call him) howled in pain, dropped me, and clutched his leg, where Kip was with his teeth in his calf. Kip released his jaw and bolted for the exit along with the rest of us. We scampered past the guard who let out a yelp as we ran down the hallway as fast as possible.

"NOOOO! You idiot don't let them escape!" Lord C's voice called.

"I cannot believe you did that!" Zoura said to Kip as we hurtled down the hallway.

"Me neither!" Kip replied.

"Look!" Snivy cried. "A door!" There was indeed a door on the side of the hallway, marked, "DANGER DO NOT ENTER'. I mean really? Who makes a door you can't enter?

Ignoring the all powerful sign, Pidgey pulled it open. My ears perked up, and over the wailing of sirens, I could hear the unmistakable clomp of boots down the hallway. Angry boots.

Without thinking, I shoved my friends through the door, jumped up and slammed it shut behind me. I turned around, and realized why we shouldn't have entered the door. We were on a flimsy looking metal catwalk. One thousand feet in the air.

The catwalk must've been the one I had seen from the helicopter, stretching over the river. The waterfall roared only feet away from us, and the opposite side of the catwalk was forest: freedom.

My friends had frozen, their gazes fixed on the long drop below their feet. I snapped out of it.

"Move!" I yelled, giving them a shove. The spell broke and they ran for it, the metal creaking under their feet.

"Oh, no you don't!" Lord C burst from the door, a look of absolute hate in his eyes.  "Do you know what you've DONE?" He screeched, and took a step towards us. Smoke was pouring from the windows of the building, but no one came rushing out.

Suddenly, I wasn't scared anymore.

I was mad.

This man had killed our trainer, planned to take over the world, and was letting his employees burn.

"Yeah I do." I answered. "I've got even."

He roared in rage and took a step forward. The catwalk shuddered.

"Go!" Zoura yelled and pushed me towards the forest. Lord C lunged and grabbed his tail. Zoura yowled and the catwalk creaked in distress. I reached out and took his paw in mine. 


The suspension cables clicked, letting us fall down the waterfall's path. Lord Control screamed as the catwalk fell out from underneath him; from underneath all of us. I gasped and held onto Zoura's paw harder, until I felt something holding me up. I looked up to see Charmander holding onto the ledge of rock, with Kip on his back holding onto Pidgey, who was grasping Snivy's tail with his talons, who was holding me up with her vines, and my paws around Zoura's who still had Lord Control hanging onto his tail like a life line.

"Pull!" Charmander cried, as we all strained to pull Zoura up.

"You can't! He's too heavy!" Zoura yelled over the roar of the waterfall. Lord C wouldn't let go of his tail. "There's only one option." He yelled, and looked at me.

"No. Oh Arceus, don't do it Zoura, please, whatever you do don't do this." I begged.

His paw was slipping.

"I don't think I can hold on!" Charmander cried, his claws scraping on the rocky ledge as the human's weight dragged him down.

"We had a good run Eevee." Zoura said softly.

Lord C looked up, his puzzlement turning into horror.

"ZOURA!" I screamed.

"NO!" Lord Control cried.

Zoura's paws relaxed.

His turquoise eyes looked into mine.

He let go.

And the waterfall swallowed him whole.

I screamed as Snivy yanked me up and onto the stone ledge.

I don't know what happened next.

It was like my brain...shorted out.

It wouldn't accept what I had just seen.

It decided to change the situation.

I had leaped over the ledge, and into the waterfall, after the idiot Pokemon I loved.

We Are The Pokemon, & We Don't Need You AnymoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora