Chapter 18

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Eight hours.

That's how long our little ride had been. I had been holding onto this freaking helicopter for so long my limbs had gone numb. Try getting your foot to wake up three thousand feet in the air. The worst part was Kip turned out to be afraid of heights.

And he got air sickness.

And he kept screaming.

The poor kid kept losing his lunch over the edge where it fell into the ocean. That's right, our helicopter took us a bit farther than where we bargained for. They didn't seem to know we were here yet, thankfully.

Kip retched over the side and Charmander patted his back encouragingly. "When did I have carrots?" He groaned, as his vomit fell into the ocean with a plop.

"Uh, guys, this is the Western Coast of Unova." Pidgey stated nervously.

"Whoopee. Any other fun facts mister travel guy?" Zoura asked, clinging to the landing gear. Pidgey ruffled his feathers indignantly.

"There are no islands for miles around here." He pointed out.

"So either our pilot is a kamacazie, or just plain stupid?" Snivy asked.

"I don't think he's a sushi roll at all. Look!" Charmander pointed. We all gasped. An island like a green jewel glittered on the horizon. As we got closer, I could make out some details. There was a solitary mountain, covered in lush forest with a waterfall cascading over the mountain which flattened out into some flat grasslands.

"What was that about no islands?" Zoura asked nervously. Pidgey, for once, had no answers.

"This place shouldn't even exist!"  Snivy exclaimed.

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" Charmader asked nervously.

"I think we're about to find out." I said as we were flown into the mysterious island.


"Uhh." Kip groaned.

"Please tell me you're not getting sick again." Zoura groaned back.

"This symbol on the side of the helicopter looks familiar." I took a peek at what he was looking at. A letter 'C' was printed on the side of the helicopter so it looked like it had been viciously gouged out and was blood red beneath. Something about it made the fur on the back of my neck stand up, and it was indeed familiar...

My heart stopped.

My blood ran cold and I leaned against the helicopter's side.

Oh Arceus, this couldn't be happening.

We were going to die, all of us.

With this realization I did the logical thing: Throw up.


Charmander politely patted me on the back. "You okay Eevee?" Zoura asked.

"No. I'm not okay and we're all going to die because we freaking hitched a ride on a helicopter thAT BELONGS TO THE GUYS WHO TRIED TO KILL US!" I screamed and gasped for air. The others looked at the symbol and gasped; it was the exact one the murderer had worn on the back of his unitard.

Kip began to shake like a leaf. "Th-then this i-is wh-where their hi-hideout is?" Kip asked. Pidgey face palmed (or wingpalmed or whatever you want to call it).

"Of course! They must have a small base in Nimbassa where they transport materials. This is the main secret base where all the major stuff happens." He explained.

"So what do we do? Jump?" Charmander asked, eyeing the ocean like he was seriously considering it.

"They're gonna catch us when we land so we better figure something out quick." Snivy suggested as the island got closer. I could make out a large network of buildings on the side of the mountain with a bridge running across the waterfall.

"Umm, bungee cord? Smokescreen? Ice cream?" Zoura rattled off a list of distractions.

"Unavailable, unreliable, and maybe later." Pidgey replied. We were about to land. I squeezed my eyes shut. I had a really uncool plan. The landing gear touched the ground as dust was blown in my face by the helicopter's blades. The engine grumbled and died and humans walked up to the machine and helped the pilot off. All I could see were black boots and voices, but my friends were all shaking.

"Here's the plan, I'll distract them and you guys run." I whispered.

"No way!" Zoura yelled/whispered back.

"Yes way. I'll be fine. You guys run for the bushes." I ordered, gesturing to the forest not far away from us.

"Promise?" Kip asked, terrified. I nodded and hugged him. I locked eyes with Pidgey over Kip's shoulder and sent a silent message. 

Take care of them.

I knew I wasn't going to come back.

Pidgey looked surprised, sad, then stoic and nodded curtly.  Zoura looked like he was about to say something, but he kept him mouth shut, "On one..." I whispered, holding my breath.


I charged out from underneath the helicopter, the opposite side of my friends. I ducked between a humans legs and jumped over another's foot as they yelled in confusion and swore. I ducked a swipe at my head, and hoped they didn't notice my friends escaping. Then again, I was a pretty distracting Pokemon. I was yelling like crazy and leaped into the air again. 


Something landed in my side and I tumbled to the ground. I saw a blue point sticking out of my fur. A tranquilizer. Everything slowed down and the world turned foggy. I saw a flash of color as my friends escaped into the trees. 

Sorry Kip

My head hit the ground in slow motion. The humans closed in. 

I broke my promise. 

Then the world went black.

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