Chapter 4

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I was not thrilled at the idea, and Charmander was even less thrilled at the idea, "Uh, HELLO!? Does the word 'fire' not mean anything to you!" he cried.

Pidgey was smart, there was no denying it; the Pokemon's IQ was off the charts, but now I thought he was a few berries short of a pokepuff. He flapped his wings franticly, "No! I studied our trainer's map, and I just realized this river flows into Nimbasssa City! We can just follow it!"

We were all quiet for a moment, "This may lead us there, but it will take way too long, plus Charmander can't swim and couldn't keep up with us on foot." Snivy pointed out, and she wasn't exaggerating; if Charmander's tail flame went out, he would die. Just being near water made him nervous.

"We could ask for help." said Pidgey.

"What a swell idea, we'll just walk up to a friendly wild Pokemon and go, 'hello mister, would you guide us across country?' and hope they don't have us for lunch!" Zoura snapped, "Or a trainer, who will not understand us a lick, trap us in a Pokeball, and never let us go." he finished.

Pidgey rolled his eyes, "That's not what I meant. In the Pokemon Center, they have emergency supplies, including rafts. We just need to take one."

No one could argue his plan, "That's good news. Uh, 'cause my leg has been feeling funny." Kip showed his leg, which had an awful burn scar on it, still red and angry.

Snivy cringed, Char gasped, and Zoura whistled, "Man, that looks nasty." He said. Oh geez. I felt awful, for letting him walk around with that on his leg.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Asked Charmander, examining the wound.

"Only when I answer stupid and quite obvious questions." He snapped. I knew it was nothing personal, he just snapped when he was hurt. Charmander flinched and Pidgey peered at the burn.

"Nothing a quick healing won't fix." He murmured.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked concerned.

"I didn't really notice it 'til this morning." he confessed; I coiled my tail.

"We need to get to the pokemon center before that gets infected." I said, trying not to bite someone.

"And that plan sounds entirely doable." Snivy hissed under her breath.

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