Clashing Habits

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AN: So yeah but like miss independent by ne yo has been stuck in my head so bow.



     I heard Spencer get out of the bathroom. "Jayne, where are you?" I saw his head peak around the corner, into my little nook. His sweat pants hung dangerously low on his hips. His lanky appearence obviously had concealed his toned chest. Never before had I envied a sweater vest.

     "Hey, Spencer." I sat cross legged in the middle of the aisle, surrounded by glorious literature. A worn copy of the Hound of the Baskervilles rested comfortably in my hands. I had already finished H.G. Wells' The Time Machine. I planned on reading all of its little friends scattered around me.

     "Chinese?" He smiled, walking over and sitting down beside me.

     "Mm. On the top shelf. Fridge." I mumbled flipping a page every three seconds. I had already read the book, more than once. There is a reason Sherlock Holmes is classic.

     "You know Sherlock Holmes was originally a-" I cut him off.

     "Yeah. A newspaper column. Couldn't pay his rent." I started twirling a price of my hair. A hand stuck over my book, interrupting my eyes as they chased words down the page. "What's wrong?" I looked up. Spencer crawled around me. He pressed his warm chest against my back, hugging me to him. He rested his chin on my shoulder. "It's nice to not be alone. More peaceful than just plain quiet."

     "Yeah." I put my book down, snuggling into his chest.

     "A-are you hungry?" He shifted away from me, standing up to walk to the kitchen. I shivered at the sudden loss of contact. I stumbled after him, pulling down the button up shirt that he gave me. I tried to forget his erratic behavior, unsuccessfully.

     "Spence, what's wrong?" I stood behind him and kissed his shoulder blade. He pulled away, almost violently.

     "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you have only been here for a few hours and in that time you pulled half my books off my shelf, or the extra bottles in my shower." He snapped at me. I turned away, my breathing becoming irregular.

     I felt tears prickle my eyes as I rushed down the hall to the bathroom. I grabbed all my bottles out of the shower and turned the corner to Spencer's room. I dropped the contents into my bag. I turned around to look for my clothes when I saw Spencer in the doorway.

     "What are you doing?" He spoke up. I went to turn back around and tripped over a stack of what appeared to be unabridged dictionaries. I fell back onto the bed, cursing the pointed words. "Jayne. Jayne I'm sorry." I covered my face with my hands, softly crying.

    "Please Jayne, don't cry. I am so sorry." I felt the bed dip beside me. "Its just hard, clashing patterns. I'm used to living alone. I am so sorry, I promise it won't happen again." Once again I could hear the sincerity in his voice. I felt his long fingers wrap around my hands, pulling them away from my face."Princess, please."

     "You can't yell at me. Not like that. I don't want any attacks to be because of you. Just talk to me." I spoke to the ceiling.

     "There may have been another reason I got up." He smiled shyly. I smacked his arm in realization

     "Spencer!" He rolled on top of me, kissing my lips softly. His body pressed against mine, as he leaned on his elbows. "We have to work in the morning. We gotta go to bed soon." I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me. He pecked my lips.

     "Soon. I need to eat, in guessing you already have, since the food is in the fridge. Unless you put it there to wait for me." I nodded.

     "I haven't eaten yet." He helped me off the bed and led me to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and bent down to look for the food. I reached up to grab a couple plates so we could microwave it. I felt Spencer rest his chin on my head, his chest to my back once more. I felt like it belonged there. His thumbs rubbed circles in my sides.

     "I like you Spencer." I whispered almost to myself.

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