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AN: they kinda just want a companion. that was the kind of promise. just like someone smart enough to keep up and someone that understands being gifted. I.e. someone slightly autistic, really smart. its a hard life guys. trust me. its a hard friggen life.


"Hey, Morgan, can you take us home." Spencer asked, gesturing to me. "Well actually I was hoping you could drive her bike behind us. She um, doesn't think she's able to drive." Morgan nodded.

"Yeah, I'll have Penelope drive you home and then we can take her home."

"She's staying with me." Morgan raised an eyebrow. Spencer securely laced his fingers through mine. A large smile brushed across Morgan's face. He looked at Spencer.

"All right Pretty Boy. Found someone that can keep up with you?" Spence smiled.

"Something like that." Garcia stood up and gave me a hug.

"Oh sweet Heaven above that has sent down another of such great mental capacity, bless us all. I thought we would never see another, and be doomed to listen to Reid's super hyper intelligent babble." She chuckled in my ear.

"I don't know, I find that endearing." I smiled at her when she pulled back. "Okay, so um... I guess you both can call me Jayne. and your first names are Penelope and Derek, right?"

"Derek. First name is Derek." he wrapped an arm around Penelope's waist. He looked at her. "You ready to go Mama?"

"You bet Chocolate Thunder." She looked at me. "What about you?"

"I just need to get my bag." I pulled my hand from Spencer's. Padding around my bra, I came up with my phone and handed it to Penelope. "Put your number in. We'll have a girls night sometime, or just talk about these two weirdos." I nodded to the boys. "You guys should put your numbers in too."

I walked over to the bench, checking my bag to make sure I hadn't lost anything. Shit. My Valium was gone. I frantically checked my pockets. Nothing. Oh Christ. Oh fuck. "Spence!" I turned around. He looked at me confused and concerned.

"What Jayne? What's wrong?" Penelope and Derek looked at each other then back at me, obviously confused as well.

"My bottle. The... The Valium. It's gone. Its not... its not in my bag. Oh god. Spencer. Fuck. Not again." Understanding crosses his face. I started shaking.

"Shh, Jayne. We'll find it, okay?"

He wrapped his arms around me. "It'll turn up." He looked up at Derek. "Find it. It might be in my bag. Look on the floor. She gets panic attacks."

Derek started looking around. Garcia went over to her bag and pulled out a bottle. She handed it to Spencer. "This is a full prescription. I've had it since Battle shot me. She can have them. I don't really need them. Just kept them in case of emergency." Spence pulled out the bottle and handed one to me. He grabbed a cup of coffee from the bench next to him and handed it to me. I downed the pill, still shaking.

"Is she alright?" Derek asked, taking his place next to Penelope once more.

"She will be. She has really bad anxiety." I leaned into his warm chest, hearing each word resonate in his lungs. "We are going to sit down now, okay Jayne?" I nodded my head, curling to his chest after we were seated.

"God Spencer, I f-feel c-cold." I felt his hands rub up and down my arms. Garcia took off her cardigan and handed it to me. Spence helped me put it on.

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