a few days and then years later...

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I was still stuck on this island, one of the only good news is that glider is still with me...She only goes away to bring back food...though i haven't asked her to do it, she does it anyway....I'm glad...to have someone with me, even though it's a dragon...I'm probably one of the first one to gain a dragons trust...maybe even ride her, but...well you know, underwater dragon, with me, a human? Doesn't really mix to ride the dragon, maybe if i found a way to, i don't know, build something that allows me to breath underwater, then maybe it could work...

But i don't have anything so far, since this is a island that i know for sure, nobody has found yet...hmm...i should explore a bit more, to see what this island has to offer...oh wait gliders back, gotta tell her where I'm going..

I walk up to her, she drops fish down on the ground, "Glider, thank you for all you have down for me. Like you could have killed me like any other dragon but you didn't...I'm glad we met, even though it means i might not get to see my family for a long time..." i tell her, she purrs and i smile.

"Glider, i think I'm going to explore this place...now don't look at me like that." i say as she gives me the 'Eyes'. " i have to see what this island has and what areas i should avoid. I mean, no adventure, nothing gained. If i don't check it out, this island might be dangerous. I wouldn't want to stay somewhere that could be harmful to one of us." i finished saying.

She still giving me that look...along with worry in them.."Don't worry, I'll be fine. If there's trouble I'll run and shout." i say as i start to walk away.

I started exploring, so far so good. Nothing dangerous, after a while though, i find a cave....should i go in?...yeah I'm totally going in...

I walk in and walked a bit deeper. Then i froze, was that a dragon?...i hope not, i may have befriended a scauldron, but it doesn't mean i can do it with other dragons...so i slowly back away...wait...that was only the tail...wasn't it?

...Oh man...don't tell me...I'm going to bump into whatever it is right now...and it was like Odin or someone else heard me, i bump into something.

....I don't want to look back...but...it just picked up my curiosity....i want to know what's behind me...dragon? Or something worse...so i slowly turn around and look up....yep...things just got worse..it's a...titan wing zippleback...i froze out of fear...they could be very like...protective of their nests and all that stuff...i got the unfortunate luck of walking into one...but to be fair, i thought they lived in Forrest and not caves...

..I guess i was wrong...oh well....i hope i don't die a very painful death...but knowing my luck, it might just happen or something else will...like glider...so i just stared at the titan wing zibbleback...not moving an inch...then the zippleback moves and picks me up by my shirt....why? ...oh well...whatever happens next can be anyone's guess...

The dragon moves farther into the cave, i, just hanging from it's-don't-know-gender-yet-jaws...I'm kinda afraid to move..but i am somewhat swinging back and forth in the jaws of a dragon so...yeah, hard not to move...after a while, the dragon stops moving and sets me down...i look up after i turned around to face the dragon...i stared directly into the eyes of the dragon and then i somehow knew, she was like glider, she wouldn't hurt me...yet i still have no clue how i know the dragons a she...like glider....i guess it's because mothers can be overprotective of children so...maybe that's why?

I slowly put my hand out in front of me and looked away. I waited for what seemed like hours but was only for a few seconds before i felt the familiarly of the face pressing against my hand. I relaxed my shoulders after i realized i tensed out of reflex. I looked back, i smiled. I slowly moved a bit closer, petting the head. She purrs at me...i then freeze, horror in the pit of my stomach...i have to name her...I'm horrible at names...why....whhhhhhyyyyyyyyy?!

HTTYD : what if gruffnut was Thrown Overboard when he was eight?Where stories live. Discover now