Chapter 1

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Ok just like I said last night, I was gonna update today because I made a promise. So here's the other chapter. And as always hit that star, comment down, and...
Naruto was once again beaten to a pulp. He had bruises everywhere and blood was running down his face and arms. He sighed shakily as he got up. He smiled when he saw his bodyguards though and started limping towards them, but once he made it towards them he fell down. But before he could touch the ground his bodyguards caught him.

"Naruto-sama!" They exclaimed.

Naruto looked at them and grinned. He got out of his bodyguards hold and dusted himself off. He then looked back up and smiled towards them.

"I'm alright, I'm alright. Nothing to serious as you can see." He said.

His bodyguards sighed.

"Naruto-sama why do you let them do this to you." One of his bodyguards asked.

"Kuro what did I say about putting sama at the end of my name. And I let them do this to me because one day, I will reveal myself I will show them who I truly am. And once I do they will be asking for forgiveness and see that I am more then capable of destroying them. But I don't want to destroy them." Naruto said.

Kuro nodded his head. He kind of understood the plan. Only a little. He was not sure about his buddy Shiro though. That guy has the brains of a mouse.

"You might not understand now but in due time you will." Naruto said.

Kuro and Shiro nodded their heads.

"Now how about we head to the mall!" Naruto exclaimed.

They got in the car. Naruto calling dips to drive. Though Kuro and Shiro were worried at first, they let him drive in the end because of his puppy dog eyes. But they did make it to the mall safely though. But naruto did go mad when he got on the road. Speeding up, racing other cars, trying to get on the wrong side of the road. Though they survived in the end.

"Naruto-sama I'm n-never letting you d-drive again." Kuro stuttered. "Not even your mom was that wild." He said under his breath.

"What was that?" Naruto asked with a dark gleam in his eyes.

"N-nothing!" He said.

Naruto smiled and started walking into the mall with Kuro and Shiro following behind him. They started walking around the mall. Going into stores and saying 'hi' to his employees. You see naruto owned the biggest mall in Konoha so every day of every week naruto drops by to say 'hi' and get something for his employees back at the corporation. He get's them the most expensive things. Though in the end he get's scolded for giving them something when he should be spending the money on himself.
But he doesn't listen. And everyday his employees always get something new. Like a new dress. Or new shoes. A new anything. He just get's it for them.

"Ready?" Naruto asked as he was getting tired of walking around the mall.

"Yeah we're ready." Shiro said.

But before they could turn around naruto heard voices from his school. And the voices belonged to the popular group or the people that bullied him. Which are Sasuke, neji, Kiba, Sakura, and Tenten. He looked at his bodyguards in panic. But they looked at him and smiled. Soon Kuro and Shiro whistled and more bodyguards came. They stood in a circle surrounding him.

"Hello naruto-sama." They said.

Naruto smiled at them in appreciation.

"Hey why is there a lot of bodyguards over there?" Naruto heard Sakura ask.

"Don't know must be someone important. Let's go check it out." He heard tenten ask.

Naruto got even more nervous then before. He looked at his bodyguards and they seemed to notice his nervousness. So they looked towards naruto and nodded. They then heard footsteps coming their way.

"Hey you." He heard neji say.

"Yes?" Kuro asked.

"Who's behind there?" Sakura asked.

"None of your business." Shiro said.

"Well it is our business if we make it our business so we made it our business so now show us who is behind there before we make you lose your job!" Sakura shouted.

"Well n-." Before Shiro could finish his sentence though naruto elbowed him meaning don't give out his name.

"N- what?" Tenten asked.

"N-Naruko-sama doesn't want me to show you guys because she told us that someday she will show herself but she doesn't want to do it right now." Kuro said for Shiro.

"Who names their child naruko?" Sakura asked.
"My mother." They heard a voice behind the bodyguards.

Sasuke thought on the voice and it sounded awfully like Naruto's.

"Naruto is that you?" Sasuke asked.

His friends turned towards him surprised and Naruto's bodyguards had their eyes wide open with a little sweat dripping down their faces.

"How do you know my brother?" Naruko asked.

'I never knew naruto had an older sister that is rich. Maybe I can date her for her money.' Sasuke thought.

"We're friends." Sasuke said.

'Liar.' Naruto thought.

"Alright well I have to be going now. I will tell my brother of our meeting, surely he could invite you over to our house, though I'm not sure if he wants his bullies over."

With that naruto started walking with his bodyguards still surrounding him.
Sasuke and his friends stared wide eyed at their backs.

Ok I know I said I will update yesterday. But school work came up and I had to finish a project with cut_my_hair (we go to the same school). So I had to finish that. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And I will update tomorrow. I owe it to you guys. So as always hit that star, and comment down below.

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