Twenty-Six: That You Love Him, You Twit!

Start from the beginning

"You have never, ever made it seem like it was my job saw. I drug you to this big city and you were hurt because of it. You were broken because of it. And I haven't forgave my self for it. You deserve so much better." Emily spoke. I opened my eyes and hers were glistening with tears.

"I don't blame you for what happened, Emily. I never have."

"I'm so so sorry I wasn't here when you came home. Bennett told me Andy was in Grand Isle? Why?" Emily spoke. I glanced up to Bennett and he shrugged. "I'm going to head into the bedroom to give you two some space." He nodded as he slid out from under me and walked the short distance to the bedroom. He then shut the door.

"I guess his dad owns the winery down the road from my house." I pursed my lips.
"He hit Bennett."

"What!? Why?!" Emily shouted. I winced at her high pitched voice.

"He cornered me in my car and told me to come home, I told him no and that my home isn't with him. It's with Bennett and he got upset. He grabbed my wrist and hurt me. He then started crying and apologising when I pointed it out. " I rubbed my face as I spoke.

"So then he went and found Bennett and hit him?" Emily raised an eyebrow.

"And head butted him." I nodded. Her jaw slacked.

"That prick. Can he not accept that you're happy and in love?" Emily blew her blonde hair out of her face with an eye roll.

"Apparently not." I laughed slightly.

"You didn't deny it, Sawyer!" She shrieked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Deny what?"

"That you love him, you twit!" She shouted, a huge smile on her face. I slapped my hand onto her mouth to shush her. She widened her eyes and then took her seat again.

"I never said I did either. He just makes me happier than I have been in a hell of a long time. He doesn't believe in love, Em. But I'm hoping I can help him believe." I whispered.
Her face lit up as she smiled.

"That's so sweet. But why the heck are you with a man who doesn't believe in love?" She smacked my head. Earning a glare out of me.

"He makes me happy and treats me like i should be treated. Like a princess.  Also, have you seen the man?" I smirked. She giggled.

"I have." She smiled.

"I like seeing you this way; happy, carefree. It's great." Emily nodded.

"I am happy. He makes me happy. I nearly forgot what it was like." I laughed. She smiled.

"If he hurts you, I will kill him. Now, cover your poor little hungover ears." Emily raised an eyebrow. I did as she said and she called for Bennett and he came strutting out a smile on his dashing face.

"Hello, love. How are you feeling?"

"Like I drank a whole bottle of whiskey and puked it out." I raised an eyebrow.

"Well that's a way to get laid." Emily laughed.

"At least she's honest." Bennett chuckled as he came and sat beside me.

"Saw, can Weslynn come over for a bit?" Emily asked me as she kicked her feet up onto the coffee table.

"You're 22 years old Emily, and the bedroom is yours. You do not need to ask me. I'm probably going to stay with Bennett at his place tonight if you don't mind." I laughed.

"You're 23, Sawyer. You don't need my permission to go stay at your boyfriends. Geez Louise." Emily laughed. I heard a knock on the door and the Bennett stood up and walked over and opened it.

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