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Dear Jimmy,

He's got a girlfriend. I hate her. She's beautiful, she's everything anyone could ever ask for.He doesn't look at her like I look at him though. I think she knows I love him, everytime he calls me something she just smiles at me sadly. I hate the pity. I deserve everthing he says, I don't know what I did but I know I deserve it. I think that's why I keep going back for more, I know I deserve it. That and everytime I hope he's changed his mind.

I wake up everyday hoping it'll be the day he takes my heart in his hands and instead of tearing it to pieces he cradles it to his chest. I want him to say he's sorry and that he never meant any of the things he said but I know that'll never happen because he hates me and I'm the idiot that keeps going back for more.

I'm pathetic. No wonder he hates me.

I mean nothing.

Sincerelly yours,


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