Line Six

75 11 7

‘…most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.’


“Oh, my gosh! Is it a boy or a girl?” Ange grinned from ear to ear as she walked with me to History class. That day, she came early to school, ambushed me while I was still groggily walking up the school building and demanded to know how our gathering turned out.

I huffed, “She’s only been pregnant for a month,” she giggled as we trudged up the stairs.

“Alright, but you said something about an island hopping. Am I invited?” she asked, her face hopeful. I just rolled my eyes at her and walked faster.

“Aw, come on! Surely your mom couldn’t have forgotten about me?” she pressed, her puppy-dog eyes so close to me. I pushed her away.

“Alright, you’re invited, but please don’t cause a scene again like what you did during our last gathering,” I narrowed my eyes at her, referring to the gathering from last year where she almost doused punch on Grandma Josephine because she was too drunk to care about the world.

Seriously, who gets drunk on spiked punch?

Luckily, I was there and well, it was I who got bathed in spiked punch.

She grinned sheepishly at me and stuck her right hand up the air like she took an oath, “I promise not to cause a scene,” and then, as if she suddenly remembered, “Wait, is Lily invited?”

“Of course, she’s Luke’s girlfriend,” I looked at her in confusion. “Why?”

“Ugh!” she opened the door widely and stomped inside like a spoiled brat before turning to me, “Why is she even invited?!”

“Why are you so annoyed? She’s like, invited by default.”

“How can I be so close to my love if she’s there?!” she glared at me and looked away.

I scrunched my nose in disgust, “You can’t date my brother, Ange. That’s going to be weird,” but she just stuck her tongue out. She can be so childish sometimes.

“Whatever, Gen. You don’t get to choose who your brother dates.”

“Point taken, but may I remind you that he is currently dating Lily and not you. So just keep your fantasies to yourself,” I was awarded by a punch on the arm. I shot Ange a murderous look.

“Oh, I almost forgot! You owe me an explanation about Lily and Adam!” she clapped her hand like a little girl and scooted closer to listen to me.

I shook my head, “Lily’s mom and Adam’s dad are siblings, which makes them cousins. I hope that explains all your useless doubts,” she looked deep in thought, her index finger digging into her chin.

“Alright,” I sighed in relief when she dropped the issue. “So…you and Adam, huh,” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I pinched her side to stop her from talking.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, stressed-out by all her constant teasing. She just looked at me smugly.

“Nothing is—”

“—going on, I get it. But, oh my gosh, Gen! I thought we already went past your stupid  denial stage? How many times do I have to say it? He likes you!”

“Who is he?” Adam interjected as soon as he got inside the room. He sat beside Ange and looked straight at me. I gulped at the sight of him.

“Uhm…” I looked at Ange for help but she was not even listening nor looking at us anymore. Instead, she tinkered with her phone as if she was so busy.

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