Day For The Start

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<Final edition>

With a guilt that I almost cheated or more likely already cheated on Kabir with a guy whose name I got to know a FEW minutes ago, I entered into our room.

I saw him walking around the room tapping his phone desperately on his hands.

"Hey Kabir. Whatsup?" I asked not meeting his gaze.

"Where the heck were you Shruti?" He yelled.

"I'd searched all through the party for almost an hour now and thought you might be in the room so I returned. No sign of you. And then you left your phone. Great job done there. I was so tensed!" Kabir said placing his palms on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I didnt want to cause you any trouble. The party was tiring so I thought I'd just sit down near the sea" I replied back. Well, im a good liar I hope.

He, thankfully accepted my apology, pulled me in for hug. I was happy about that one. It felt comforting.

We were  slowly pulling away from hug and leading to a kiss but thats when Zelaine Shagun and Zayen entered.

"Um could you guys stop?!" Shagun said with the other two nodding in agreement making a disgusted look. Like what?

We followed their orders. Because let's face it. They were single ;)

"You guys look like mess. Lets just sleep it off for today" I said.

All of us helped each other to tidy up room and make beds. Kabir chose to sleep on my bed close to me while others were just... too lazy to comment.

The next morning was scheduled for the partners we'd get for our competition. No person will have the same partners as they did from their academies.

Well, sad. Me and Kabir were like the best couples with perfect sync.

But anyway we had to deal with this. As the incharge was announcing the names, I was left totally dazed.

I was freaking paired up with Aditya. What was this happening?! This was the least of all things I ever wanted to happen or hear.

I wanted to stay away from him but *sigh*.  All he could do was pass a smirk at me. While Kabir got paired with Nayesha. He didnt seem happy but he passed a forced smile to the girl. Nayesha was from the same team as Aditya, DPSI. Well, too bad for both of us.

Shagun clearly drew out that sonething was not okay with me. She sensed some tension within me.

"Hey you alright? "

"Um yeah. Its just that i dont like the pairing thing."

"Oh! Thats natural re. Chill." she convinced me though.

How worse can it go anyway?

The competition had three rounds from which slowly contestants will be chosen for the Finale.

The first round was 'The Ballroom Night' or 'The Salsa Mix'. The second round was 'The Bollywood Style' and the third and finale round was 'The Dazzling Solo'.

We were given two weeks to prepare for each round. I had to win this competition no matter what, if I ever wanted to achieve a position in my dream college. It was worth a try.

But putting up with the best performance with a person I wanted to ignore was a total big-a** challenge. What the heck?

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