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I pushed the door to my dorm opened. I slammed it shut and immediately collapsed on my bed. I couldn't stop the tears flowing from my eyes.


"Why would they do that?!"

"They said they loved me!"

Using the pillow to quieten my sobs, I continued to let the tears fall. Before I knew it, I let sleep embrace me.


"Yyyyyyyy/Nnnnnnnnn! Are you even listening?"

"Huh? Oh sorry. I was just wondering how I even scored such a beauty like you."

Ruby blushed immensely and hid behind the menu she was holding up.

"D-Don't say such things randomly!"

I chuckled and studied the menu.

"Something on your mind Rubes?"

"H-Huh!? N-No.. Why do you say that?"

"Cause you've been staring at me this entire time."

I chuckle again while Ruby sinks in her seat.

"I mean, I'm not upset by it or anything. I just wanted to know if you were thinking about something."

"Oh.. Okay good! I-I was just thinking how long I waited for this moment!"

"Exactly how long?"

She blushed even more.

"When you saved me from that Grimm ambush."

"But.. wasn't that like, when we were five?"

She nodded shyly. Which was adorable.

"O-Oh.. That's a looong time heh.."

I rub the back of my neck.

"I was also thinking how I liked seeing you all flustered. Since, ya knooooww... It rarely happens!"

"You're not the only one who enjoys seeing the other flustered."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

She tilted her head slightly and I leaned across the table to quickly peck her lips. Once I return to my seat, she was shocked. Her face exploded into the color of her cape. I laughed at her adorable expression and our waiter soon came.

A ear piercing ring awoke me. Slightly lifting my head from the pillow, I glanced at my scroll. 42 messages and 67 missed calls, and 53 voice mails. I sniffed and sat up right on my bed. I rested my head on my hands and slouch over. A knock on the door surprised me. I quickly threw my pillow across the room to hide the evidence of what I was doing. The door opened slowly.

"Helloo? Anyone in here?"

The powerhouse of Team JNPR entered my room.

"Y'know, knocking and entering a room negates the knocking part."

Nora stuck her tongue at me and sat next to me. In her hand was food.

"I just wanted to bring you food! Cause you weren't there at dinner so I saved you some of mine."

I graciously took the plate from her hands and placed it on the desk near me.

"Aren't I usually the one to bring 'you' food?"

I chuckled and received a hit to the shoulder from her.

"Also, you don't normally eat in the cafeteria."

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