"I doubt you'll be able to do anything whilst being blind." I could picture him shaking his head.

"Wanna bet?" I raised an eyebrow and he hummed. "Get me the guitar." I stuck my hand out, a few seconds later the instrument was placed in my hand. "Watch me." I stated before flawlessly playing More than words.

"Alright, maybe some things could work." He said.

"Is Ava still here?" I asked because I was only hearing his heartbeat.


"Can you take me to the yard?" I asked. "You can fight me."

"I'm not going to fight you." He scoffed as he lifted me up by my waist. He placed me on his hip and then started walking while my hands automatically moved around until they found his shoulders.

"Why not?" I pouted. "And I'm not a kid." I added, meaning the way he was carrying me.

"You're a woman, my mate as a matter of fact." He stated. "I'm an Alpha and there is also the fact that you are blind."

"Fine." I pouted. "What are we going to do?" I questioned. "I suppose I'm not allowed to go to school either so."

"We can't exactly watch a movie either." He sighed. "I have no clue, never met a blind wolf before in my life."

"I have no clue either." I shrugged. "Oh, you can paint my nails!" I exclaimed.

"Amaris." He replied with a warning tone.

"What else can I do?" I pouted. "You can do everything! All I can do for now is sleep, eat and listen to music."

"We can take a nap?" He suggested. "I haven't napped in, like, five years."

"Then you have to carry me back upstairs." I grumbled. "Wait, five years?!"

"Yeah." He chuckled at my shock.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You don't have time for it when you're an Alpha." He replied. "I also just started Freshman year."

"You were fifteen when you got the position?!" I exclaimed.

"Pretty much." He mumbled but his heartbeat gave him away. I knew that there was something more to it but I decided to just let it be.

"How old are you?" I frowned confused.

"Twenty." He answered. "And I can carry you easily." I let out a yelp when he picked me up from the floor.

"You're old." I giggled as he started walking. "You hear that?" I asked, turning my head slightly.

"What?" He asked confused while putting me down. "What did you hear?"

"A car door slamming." I mumbled, hearing footsteps approaching. "Footsteps." I reached my hand out to Giovanni. "Door unlocking." Within a second, Gio pulled my hand and held me against his side.

"Mother?" Giovanni's surprised voice asked.

"Hola, chico!" A feminine voice chirped back. "How are you?" She asked as heels tapped against the floor, the sound coming closer.

"I'm, okay." He breathed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you because you haven't called in a while." She answered.

"I've been busy." He mumbled.

"I can see that." His mother replied. "Are you not going to shake my hand?"

"Uhm, sorry." I blushed, raising my hand. I was clueless where her hand was.

"Mom, she's blind." Giovanni informed his mother. "Don't worry!" He added. "It's just temporary."

"A blind she wolf?"

"I looked into a lightning bolt." I chuckled awkwardly. "My name is Lotus, nice to meet you."

"I'm Cecilia." A soft hand grabbed mine and shook it gently. We let go and it went silent for a while. "I should probably go then."

"Bye, mom." Giovanni greeted as the door clicked open.

"Goodbye." I mumbled and then the door clicked, falling back into its lock.

"Let's go nap." Giovanni grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "Up you go." He mumbled and I lifted my foot. I put it down again and I went up a step.

"Do not let me go." I ordered.

"Yeah yeah." He muttered dismissively. I let out a low growl and continued to walk up the stairs in a slow pace. I kept walking while my mate steered me into the right direction. Suddenly his scent hit me like a truck and he stopped. "Here's the bed." He said.

I lowered my hands and felt the soft duvet touch my finger tips. I pulled it back and carefully crawled into the bed. I laid down carefully on my stomach and grabbed the pillow, holding it with one arm while raising my leg.

The bed dipped in next to me and I almost rolled over. "You always sleep on your stomach?" Gio quesitoned while pulling the duvet over us.

"No, but I can't lay on my back because it hurts." I muttered, burying my face in the wonderful smelling pillow. A cold hand snuck under my shirt and a shiver ran down my spine. Slowly the pain subsided into a small sting. "Thanks." I mumbled with closed eyes.

"Any time." He answered before letting out a deep breath. All my senses, except my sight and tastebuds, were getting a bit overwhelmed.

All I could hear was his heartbeat and his breating. All I could smell was his intoxicating scent and all I could feel was his body heat. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting his scent in completely.

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