Semi-Chapter 3 | Harun | Flowers and Sweat Stains

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"I don't care!"

"Let go before things turn ugly." She tugged on it harder and shot me a cold, blank look. I shrugged lamely. What could I do?

"Aren't I already looking at something ugly?" Kayla seemed to let go of her hijab too soon. Nadia managed to get it off her and then I saw Kayla's red-brown hair, which glinted beautifully in the moonlight. I couldn't take my eyes off her since for the first time I saw her, I realized she was gorgeous. But I couldn't glance at her long since she glanced at Nadia and gave me a long, hard look before running off the deck. 

I wanted to go after her, but didn't so I could retrieve her hijab. I turned to Nadia, who had a mischievous grin on her face. She seemed satisfied for what she had done, which I thought was horrible. "Why?"

Nadia shrugged. "She was getting on my nerves. We were discussing something important and she just barged in. Don't you think that's a tad disrespectful?" Her wording seemed persuasive but I knew to stand my guard.

"At least she was trying to be polite. You just lashed out on her!" I replied with a lot of anger in my voice.

"Oh Harun, don't get so upset. Just cool down and we can just continue where we left off. It's not worth it defending someone you barely know. She might be worse than she appears to be," she said, her hand now on my face. She leaned in but I smacked her hand away. She looked at me with a bewildered look and I just snatched the hijab from her hands.

I descended down the deck, leaving her to stand there in shock.

I found Kayla at the side of the house with her face streaked with tears. I hand her the hijab. "You can put it on here. I'm not looking." I avert my eyes from her face and let her put it on.

After a few seconds, she said,"Why didn't you do anything? You could have interfered and stopped it. She obviously likes you, and she would do anything you'd say."

I turned to look at her. "That's the problem. She doesn't like you. And she won't stop even if I told her. And I'm sorry that Nadia is a little bit... aggressive. But she's understanding." What I was saying wasn't the whole truth. Of course she's not understanding. She laughed sarcastically. "Fine, a little understanding. She's pretty shaken up and I honestly don't think it's her fa-"I started to say, but I was interrupted.

"I'm shaken up too!" she snapped. "I've been on the streets for a week and you just decide it's my fault. Okay, she has problems, but I do too! You don't even know how it feels.  Your own mother kicking you out, not giving you some time to explain. I never complained about this... and I never will, because no one will understand. Also, I don't reflect my anger on my problems, 'cause that's stupid." She turned to face me. "So go to Nadia. Just leave me alone."


"Leave me alone," she repeated.

"Kayla, at least let me talk to you!" I said, rage building up in my tone. Neither girl would let me talk to them without opposing whatever I say. And it's true, Nadia had problems of her own even if she acts a little like...Nadia. But Kayla won't let me explain a damn thing since she keeps interrupting me.

She stood up, her back facing me. "I think you haven't heard me. Leave me alone. I don't need people like you in my life."

I was pained by her words, but anger drove me away from her. I walked away, letting her be. As I said before, I don't know how to deal with girl drama. I climbed back on the deck. I saw Nadia looking off into space, a look of disappointment on her face. Once she saw me, she smiled, but her grin disappeared when I just brushed past her and stepped into the house.

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