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          Rin's POV

     Alpha Nikolas was reluctant at first to the idea of me leaving to find my mate. He was afraid that when I found her, if I found her, that I wouldn't want to come back.


       Bethesda quickly assured him that he should know me better than that. Scolding him like he was a little omega in front of his beta, who should have been the one top get scolded for wanting top leave.

        But of course she couldn't scold me would you really bring contempt top somebody just trying to find the reason top be happy in life? Because, to me, that is what my mate is to me, even though I haven't found her yet. She is my happiness in life. My reason for existing. My everything. I knew that she hung the moon and painted the stars.

        A few years ago,I would have punched myself in the face for thinking such thoughts, but now I'm used to it. Though I wasn't a player, I still dated allot of girls before I turned sixteen, the official age where you can find your mate. I dated, hoping that when I turned sixteen I would get one of the really pretty girls that liked everybody.

Then I realized that all the girls I had originally liked turned out to be sluts and idiots, so that ruined that fantasy.

    I walked into my apartment, smiling like a goon, wishing that my brother doesn't make any surprise visits.

        My parents split up shortly after my younger brother was born, him being only four years younger than me. My mother, who my brother lives with, moved to this pack that I don't remember the name to right now, but I do remember that I used top think it was stupid. My father and I live in the RowanWood pack.

      The pack is pretty cool in and of itself, people have really cool jobs and accept people for who they are. We have a couple of cliques, but what else is there to expect? Even though we have to deal with our animalistic side, doesn't mean that we don't like to act like regular humans.

     You have your average cheerleader your girls, you know the ones who are fake and it's almost sad that they wake every morning when you know they are going to end up on that show sixteen and pregnant. You also have you average everyday jocks, who you know are going to take advantage of said girls.

      You also have your nerds and geeks. But don't let those stereotypical titles fool you; I would rather hang out with a geek of a nerd than a bunch of canvas face Barbie dolls and jerks anyway.

    The nerds and the geeks taught me how to play DnD and EverQuest, but I have to say that my favoured game would have to be World of Warcraft, or WoW for short. I also started to like the anime scene, actually I like it a lot, but it's not really a hobby that I get to talk about much with people.

       Anyway, my brother often comes to visit me, sometimes I'm expecting him, and sometimes he just barges in. It's not like he's a stranger, but the guy can learn how to give me call first. It only takes about two days to get to the town of Warwick from where he lives. And if he comes in wolf form, not even that long.

    I'm expecting him more and more now that something 'tragic'had happened top him. I bet he got dumped or something really stupid like that, or his cat got run over. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he can be such a wuss that it's pathetic, but he sure does know how to make a dramatic entrance or exit.

          Speak of the devil, and he shall appear; My little brother, Hope, busts through my door, crying like a kid who spilt his milk.



The readers go wild with hate and loathing while I quickly and quietly take cover under my hidden rock shelter! 

     I mean I know that it's dramatic, but I had top spice it up somewhere, right?

      I got one thought it was a great idea. What do you guys think? ONWARD WITH THE HATE MAIL; BRING IT TO ME I'M READY!I CAN HANDLE YOUR REPROACH......

          don't hate me I'm so sorry.......I love you guys, thank you got being Here for me while you put up with my crappy update schedules. I can make you no promises, but I know you guys are here with me through thick and thin, and sadly the time is thick at the moment.

If you are a follower of me on here, even in your own mind and not on the screen, then you are a proud GrahamCracker, kind of like a 'belieber' but way cooler. 

If you are a GrahamCracker, than vote to show your support.....

With love my freaks...



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