Five » The Scoundrel

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"Ben Solo... in love with a princess?" Snoke snickered as he paced before Ben, the young man sitting, locked against a chair. Fresh bruises appeared on Ben's skin as he panted. The bolts that exerted from Snoke's fingertips leaving a mark. "She will never love you, you know that?" Snoke taunted as Ben's head hung low, biting back the pain.

"Your love for her made you weak. You couldn't save her then... And you couldn't save yourself now." Snoke tsk'ed with a shake of his head, Ben looking up as strands of his hair stuck to his sweat coated skin.

"You're wrong." Ben hissed but Snoke grinned.

"That's what you tell yourself, young Solo." Stopping in his tracks and turning to face Ben, Snoke walked over and held tightly onto Ben's chin. "The Force is strong within you and I will harness it. I will break you into infinite amounts of pieces and you will become nothing but my puppet. Unable to guide himself or take control. You will be mine, Ben Solo." Snoke seethed as Ben snapped his head out of Snoke's grimy hand.

"Never." Ben said before Snoke left the holding cell he was now in, heavily guarded on the outside to make sure the smuggler didn't try anything—and, well, he did. He tried numerous amounts of times.

Number of times that failed him.

He was able to use the Force to remove the restraints but only got that far when a stormtrooper noticed. Then, he tried knocking one out but another one got to him. Another moment Ben even tried getting into the vents but his shoulders were far too broad. At moments like these he cursed his wide build.

He wanted to escape, to get far away from there, to see the princess again and keep her close to him and protect her. To keep her safe. But, how could he when he couldn't even keep himself safe? Let alone, escape...

Days passed of pure torture. Snoke punished Ben for the number of times he tried to escape, leaving him black and blue. Fresh blood would dry up and stain his skin as he lied on the ground, helpless. He was feeling himself breaking apart—something Snoke wanted. It was hurting him, physically and mentally. All the taunting and torturing. The lies and manipulation. Ben tried so hard not to believe it, but, Snoke was slowly getting to him.

Staring blankly at a wall as Ben lied there, just after Snoke had left his cell from another session of torturing, Ben thought about the princess. Her name fresh on his tongue. "Y/N..." He softly spoke.

Freezing in her spot as she had been walking through the Resistance base, Y/N's heart skipped a beat. She could hear his voice as if he were there beside her... but, in her head. "Ben..." She nearly whispered, the name leaving her lightly parted lips as her eyes suddenly began to burn.

"Princess..." Feeling her heart flutter, she frowned.

Rushing to somewhere private, just outside of the base, she took in a deep breath and looked at the night sky above her. The stars shinning as tears slipped from her eyes. "Are you safe? Are you okay?" She spoke out, as if he could hear her, but he sensed what she was feeling. Worry... Fear.

"Everything is fine... I'm safe."

Sucking in a harsh breath, Y/N shook her head. She knew he had been lying. She knew he wasn't safe. Not with what she went through with Snoke... And she was still recovering. She could only imagine what Ben had been going through. "B- en..." Her voice cracked as she hiccuped, tears spilling as her heart ached as she held tightly onto his jacket—wearing it and almost never taking it off. She was fearful for his life.

The Scoundrel | Ben SoloWhere stories live. Discover now