One » The Falcon

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It was a name known throughout the galaxy, or even possibly, the entire universe. It was a name that brought hope to those who needed it. It was almost like the name of a god, a sort of celestial being. Ben Solo—the galaxies most finest smuggler—and hero. His name shined across the galaxy as if it were the brightest star in the universe. After all, being well known ran through his family history. His mother, father, uncle... grandparents. He was destined for greatness.

And he was the greatest. An excellent pilot and a well rounded man that brought happiness to those who loved him. Some liked to say he was the greatest pilot amongst the Resistance—even if he wasn't a true member—and plenty begged to differ with the Black Leader pilot Poe Dameron when it came to who was the best pilot. But, he didn't mind, competition with Ben Solo was the greatest. After all, that was his best friend.

Ben Solo was a name for the books, a name that would go down in history, just like the rest of his family.

"Ben Solo..." A little boy around the age of nine spoke with such enthusiasm. Hands extended out as he stood before five other children. His hair was as yellow as the sun shining down on him and skin as white as the sand beneath his boot-covered feet. "The legend."

Releasing a wave of gasps, the five children exchanged looks. They knew that name all too well. And, to them, Ben Solo was their superhero.

"Do you know him?!" A seven year old little girl with hair as black as night and eyes as blue as the ocean a distance away from them spoke in awe. "My big sister has seen him in person once before!" She nodded eagerly.

"Know him?" The little boy questioned. "I met him!" He exclaimed as more gasps followed. "He saved me and a bunch of others from the hands of The Monster!"

"Really?!" Another boy, about seven years old with red hair and big green eyes gawked.

"Yes! I remember it as if it were yesterday... It was night time and a storm was raining on the hut we were held in. The thunder roared and the lightning shook the ground beneath us. We were all afraid... Hungry, thirsty, shivering. The Monster had left and we knew that when he'd come back, it would be a nightmare. But... he never came back." He spoke with his hands extended out. "A noise was heard from outside. BAM! ROAR!" He shouted as the kids jumped. "Something was happening... Then, the door to the hut swung open and there stood a figure in the darkness, their silhouette appearing when lightning had struck. Two figures followed behind, just as tall... one was much more taller. Easily seven feet."

"CHEWBACCA!" The kids shouted as the little boy nodded.

"They took one step in and there he was... in all his glory. The hero, himself, Ben Solo!" Hearing oo's and ah's, he nodded. "He stood there almost as if he were the greatest superhero of all time. And, to me, he is. He saved us all, he even caught The Monster!"

"Wow!" A little girl with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes clapped, just about the same age as the boy narrating his story.

"Ben Solo freed us all from being enslaved. And, when were released, I saw that The Monster was held tied up and being taken away to be put away. He was furious and called Ben Solo... The Scoundrel."

"Thank the stars that went smoothly." Han Solo said as he took the co-pilot seat of his beloved Millennium Falcon. Not too long ago he had allowed his little—yet not so little anymore—bandit to take the pilot's seat. It was in his sons veins, he was meant to be one of the greatest pilots of all time. After all, it ran through the Skywalker-Solo blood.

"Oh, save it, old man. This isn't like the past where you constantly got caught smuggling. It isn't like your time with Chewie." Hearing a roar come from behind him, the young man who had taken the pilots seat—the one and only Ben Solo—spoke up before waving a hand over to the Wookiee. "Relax, Chewie, I'm not putting the blame on you."

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