Four » The Kidnapping

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Standing frozen with a hand pressed against Ben's back, the two eyed the taunting figure before them. A set of stormtroopers walked up and disarmed Ben before they grabbed the princess.

Thrashing, one of the troopers aimed their blaster as Y/N's heart stopped. "Let her go!" Ben snapped, about to lunge forward but was held in his place.

"I would not do that if I were you, Ben Solo." The haunting voice spoke as Ben stood frozen in his spot, staring at Y/N as she stared back, tears pricking her eyes as her heart began to race. Ben wanted nothing more than to rip her front the pair of stormtroopers hold and bring her into the ship, escaping as fast as they could. But, he couldn't. He was frozen and he was helpless.

All the troopers beside Snoke had their weapons pointed at Ben, Y/N's heart was pounding in her ears as Ben gave her a look—as if promising he'd get her out of the mess they were in. Just like she did for him not too long ago. He knew she was afraid, he could see it. Feel it. He wanted to keep her safe, but even that he couldn't do.

"Thank you for bringing her right to me. There is talk that she may have been of some help for he Resistnce—and, of course—she is a princess of a planet who aids to them." Snoke said as he walked over, Ben swallowing, unable to turn his head. But, he didn't want to. He didn't want to look away from Y/N. Not when he knew she was staring at him, a sort of mechanism to keep her from losing her mind.

Coming to a stop beside Ben, Snoke nudged his head for the stormtroopers to take Y/N away, her breath instantly hitching as she tried to fight their holds. "Enough with this." Waving his hand, the princess was instantly knocked out.

"PRINCESS!" Ben shouted with every bit of energy he could muster, fighting against the hold that had him.

"Ah! Such spunk in young Solo, huh?" Snoke said, forcing Ben to turn to face him, his icy blue eyes piercing into Ben's honey colored own. "You will return to where ever it was you came from. I'm sure it was smuggling like you Solo's do." Snoke said as Ben blinked, eyes burning with tears that had build up on him. "We have what we need. And what we don't need, is you." With a push of Snoke's hand, Ben went flying back, crashing into a wall as Snoke left the ramp, shutting it before Ben could even stand up and rush over.

"NO!" Ben shouted, forcing himself up and trying to hit the ramp button, but the ship was suddenly forced out of the hangar and into deep space.

Rushing to the canopy and looking out the window, Ben's heart raced as he saw Snoke now take Y/N's unconscious body in his arms, carrying her away. "No! NO!" Ben shouted, but, he knew it was too late. The shield was up and the ship was being forced away from the Supremacy.

Rushing out of the Falcon the second he had returned back to D'Qar, Ben frantically searched for his mother. "Where's Leia?! Where's your general?! Where is she?!" He exclaimed, stopping random pilots and officers, even droids.

"Ben?" Hearing his mother's voice, he snapped his head over in her direction. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked as he instantly ran over. "What is it?" Seeing her son pant, her eyebrows narrowed. He was in distress, something had happened.

"They- they took her." Ben panicked "They took the princess!"

"Who, Ben? Who took Y/N?" She questioned, holding onto his biceps as she looked into his teary eyes.

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